As you know, I've had the opportunity and privilege to review quite a few of the Heirloom Audio Productions titles over the years and there's something that I absolutely LOVE about each one of them. That's still true, but I have to tell you that this newest one is my absolute, all-time favorite. Y'all! Oh.My.Stars. The Cat of Bubastes is simply phenomenal. It's full of plot twists and battles, secrets and adventure that all point kids and adults to the One True GOD. It is so good. So very, very good.
As with all of the Heirloom audio dramas, the story unfolds as told by adventurer G.A. Henty. In The Cat of Bubastes, Henty is writing a letter to friends Ned and Gerald to relay his latest adventure through the lands of Egypt and share a story that he learned while there. Although I had never heard the story of The Cat of Bubastes, I was completely enthralled as it unfolded through audio theatre. From the very beginning of the audio drama, I was intrigued as Prince Amuba and his companion/protector Jethro were imprisoned and taken to Egypt as slaves. There are pyramids and big stone cats that teach the listener about the gods of the Egyptians and there are characters who share mercy and grace as they learn together about the One True GOD of us all. As you listen, you learn all kinds of interesting facts about the early Egyptians -- and you learn about how GOD moved through his people the Israelites to touch the hearts of all.
Through the absolute mercy of GOD, Amuba and Jethro end up serving in the house of the High Priest Ameres as companions to his children Chebron and Mysa. The friendship that unfolds is GOD's perfect way of setting the stage for what will come. I don't want to give away the story line to you, but I want you to know that GOD's Hand is seen throughout. HIS timing is always perfect. Through a series of crazy events that involve the death of a cat and children on the run, Amuba, Jethro, and Chebron end up deep in hiding as they attempt to find Mysa and her friend Ruth and rescue them from the hands of a tyrant.
And then when Moses appears . . . let me just tell you that I simply broke out into chills from head to toe. Wow to the Wow to see/hear Biblical history interwoven in such a fascinating way. My very favorite line from the entire drama comes almost all the way at the end when the friends are discussing the part that "luck" played in their escape. The poignant truth that GOD is in control is stated like this:
At the critical moment you were rescued by the one man in all of Egypt who had the will, the desire, and the courage to rescue you. That is not chance.
And isn't that the truth in all of our lives. At THE critical moment, JESUS rescued us. HE had the will, HE had the desire, and praise GOD, HE had the courage. There is no "chance" in that, my friends. Only LOVE.

For more information about this drama or any of the others lovingly produced by Heirloom Audio Productions, please visit the following Social Media sites:
Heirloom Audio Productions Facebook
The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty Facebook
Instagram: @HeirloomAudioOfficial

I was given the opportunity to review The Cat of Bubastes from Heirloom Audio Productions as a member of the Homeschool Review Crew. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought of this and other puzzles as well (or just click on the banner below.)

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