Monday, August 18, 2014

Life-Long Friends

I am celebrating friendships that last a lifetime today.  What a blessing these two ladies have meant to my life.  I've done life with them by my side for 27 and 40 years.  That's an incredible testimony of GOD's great LOVE.  I don't think that it is the norm these days.  These women have known me through skinny and fat, brown, gray, and blonde, tears and laughter.  They have been my rock and taken me to the ROCK when faith faltered and enemies clamored near.  They have been my Aaron and Hur holding my hands up and keeping me steady (Exodus 17:12).  And because of that, I am blessed.

Forever My Friends

And I'm pleased that my son is growing friendships that will stand the test of time as well.  Having been friends now for 10 years, he and the "bros" are well on their way and they remain faithfully bonded.  I pray they will always hold each other accountable and keep each other grounded in the LORD.  That is this mother's prayer -- and the prayers of the other mothers, too.

The "Bros"

In celebration of friendships that stand the test of time and make me a better me,

I'm so thankful for the blessing of true friends in my life. 

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Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart with me!