When the first child came along, we stepped out of the picture and let her have the spotlight. My favorite Santa picture of all is her 2nd Christmas. She was none to impressed with Santa and you can see the visible evidence of the word "NOOOOO" as she tried to come out of his lap.
With each addition to our family, our Santa picture became even more fun. And we don't miss a year. We've taken the Santa pic with the family puppy, in pajamas, with dolls dressed in clothes made by grandma, and even in years when the stomach virus hit for Christmas. I like the pictures and I like to see how they've grown and changed. I've asked them all to indulge me until they get married -- and then they can start their own Santa tradition and I can add grandbabies to my pictures.
And so it was time today for our traditional picture with Santa. My friend takes the best pictures -- and her Santa is the REAL Santa -- so I couldn't help but snap this picture of her taking ours. I love it. But what I love even more is that this Santa loves JESUS, too. I'm so happy to see JESUS in my picture with Santa. Do you see what I see?
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