Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Very T.R.E.K.kie Christmas

When a bunch of Middle Schoolers get together for a Christmas party, you never know just what might happen.  This year's party was no exception to the rule of crazy fun.

And our Core Group Leaders are the best sports.  This year featured a Snowman Contest made from high quality snow toilet paper.  With five minutes on the clock, students in each Core Group transformed their leaders into one-of-a-kind snowmen.  I think you'll agree that their creations were quite unique (and some of the groups have obviously never made and actual snowman -- ah, the perils of living in the South).

Mr. Marty

Mrs. Jane

Mr. Chris

Mrs. Christ

Mr. Glenn

Ms. Pam

Mrs. Darlene

The students did a great job and the laughter was contagious.  Our Core Group Leaders are the best.  And the Winner is . . . 


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  1. I had SO hoped these pictures wouldn't come out, Lynn!!!

  2. I hate I missed this lol. We do have an awesome group of leaders.... and TREKkers.


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