I've been a fan of Doorposts ever since my big girls were little. We used their Biblical character training study, Polished Cornerstones, way back in the day and I've loved Doorposts ever since. I was so excited to receive Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men to give my 14-year-old Boy Scout a strong study in character training. I like knowing that he is learning how to dig deep into GOD's Word and own it for himself.

Bible study techniques and methods are included to make sure that young men understand GOD's Word and learn how to best study it for themselves. I enjoy watching my son open his Bible, mark it up, answer questions -- the ones that make you really THINK about what GOD is saying -- and even pull out our Concordance and take his study further. My own personal Bible is a road map of testimony through Bible studies and sermons and GOD speaking right off of the pages to my heart. I have spent years underlining and highlighting and I can open it up and see the journey I have walked. I treasure this and am happy to see my son following in that path.

Each study shows what you will need to gather for the day and it is laid out so that my son has had absolutely no problems. One of my favorite parts of our school day is our morning Circle Time. We begin with songs of praise and worship, family devotion, and prayer and then my Boy Scout gathers the needed materials and spends time studying Because You Are Strong. I want to make sure that he fully understands each of the Bible Study methods covered in the book and HOW to best utilize them for study for years to come. It warms my heart to know that he is being equipped to study GOD's Word for himself forever. I know that he is hiding it in his heart and studying to show himself approved.

With 74 days of intense, in-the-WORD Bible study, Because You Are Strong is available as a softcover book (which normally sells for $14 but is ON SALE for $12 through the end of August) OR as an e-Book in PDF format ($10). I am so impressed with what my son is getting out of it that I am recommending it as the Fall Bible Study for middle school boys at church. And there's even more. Once boys have completed the question-and-answer format of the study, Because You Are Strong offers 40 additional "take it further" studies to provide serious Bible study for a YEAR. How neat is that?
I appreciate that Doorposts puts out quality resources to help me be a better parent and to help my children draw closer to our Heavenly Father. Life is good. Friends like Doorposts make it even better.

I was given the opportunity to use and review Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men from Doorposts as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)

Thanks for sharing. This looks like the same type of in-depth study as the girls version. I want this for Joseph when he is just a little older.