I want to share the backstory with you -- and then I want to share R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish with you. I pray that you'll be blessed by both the story AND the curriculum!
Many of you know that the MainMost and I have taken two mission trips to Guatemala. Both of the trips have opened my eyes to a work that GOD calls us to and both of the trips have tugged on my heart in a way that I find hard to explain. Our oldest daughter went with us -- and she has served on additional mission teams to Matamoros, Mexico and inner-city Jackson, Mississippi. My daughter truly has a heart to serve GOD and you may recall reading in my blog post Mindful of Missions that when she crossed the border to come home from Matamoros her first text to me was: "I've come to realize that missions is one of the few things that make me truly happy."
Check out her shoes in the picture below -- I can't help but be reminded of the verse in Romans 10:14-15 that says: "Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News!" {Oh, how I desire to have beautiful feet!} That's the first part of the story -- our family becoming more and more missions-minded.
You may also remember that my Princess has struggled to learn to read. (She's FINALLY got it but it was a hard road!) And that is the second part of the story that leads right into our experience with R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish. Last year when we were in Guatemala, we visited a mission that is in dire need of someone to come and oversee it. As I walked around that mission -- looking in windows and seeing the small school, dormitory, chapel and dining hall that had been used to feed the orphans in the community -- and prayed for the work that would be done there, GOD spoke directly to me about my Princess AND my family. HE simply told me to quite worrying about her reading abilities and to start focusing on her SPANISH abilities. With a quiet voice, GOD showed me that our family needs to learn Spanish and to prepare for a life on-mission with HIM. I continue to ponder these things in my heart . . .
And then we were given the opportunity to use R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish. {How's that for perfect plans?} R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish is a Spanish program designed and developed especially FOR homeschoolers by Dr. Karyn Williamson-Coria -- a fellow homeschool mom of three boys. Dubbed a "R.E.A.L. Curriculum for the Whole Family," homeschoolers are encouraged to Relax, Enjoy, Aspire and Learn Spanish TOGETHER -- as a family! {just the way I like to do things best!} With that said, R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish is not just ANOTHER foreign language curriculum to add to your school day -- it is an OPPORTUNITY to fully integrate the Spanish language into your everyday activities.
R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish encourages families to communicate and interact with one another in a fun way -- all the while learning Spanish. The 50-page Daily Curriculum Guide outlines 48 weeks of integrated lessons which include games, puppet shows, grammar, vocabulary and dramatizations. It was super-easy to read, understand and implement. The 105-page Book is full of tips, ideas, and exercises for family members of all ages. It is divided into 10 teaching units beginning with Greetings and Introductions and ending with Verbs and Grammar. Each teaching unit introduces vocabulary words that have been grouped together to make learning easier. These "Vocabulary Clusters" focus on topics such as Fruits, Body Parts, Animals, and Clothes and each unit contains a multitude of activities for hands-on learning. Audio files are included for each lesson so that you and your children can hear proper pronunciation.
The Activity Book may just be my FAVORITE part of all! There are 179-pages chock-full of fun stuff for kids of all ages. Including crossword puzzles, hidden words, word searches and cryptograms, the pages of the Activity Book will keep you busy. It has loads of activities that coincide with each of the units studied -- and there is an answer key for everything. Great stuff!
If you have ever taken a Spanish class, R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish offers all the right tools for you to teach Spanish to your children. If you have NOT ever taken a Spanish class, R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish offers plenty of direction for you to learn alongside your children. {and maybe even prepare your entire family for a trip around the globe to speak the love of JESUS all over some Guatemalan children?}
I recommend that you spend some time checking out the R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish website and especially looking over the FREE Culture Links available. There are quizzes and games, maps, recipes and more for you to explore. We really enjoy the Ancient History Links (they fit right in with our other studies) and the Bible verses links (how perfect to study GOD's WORD in ALL languages!). I also enjoy reading about the author of a curriculum and understanding their heart and reasons for developing programs that I bring into my home. I think you will, too! (and while you're visiting the website, make sure to enter the GIVEAWAY for a children's book in Spanish.)
R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish can be purchased HERE in a variety of options. You can download the Book Bundle (includes Book, Activity Book, Answer Book and Audio Files) for $49.95 -- ($59.95 if you choose to include the Daily Curriculum Guide). You can purchase the Book Bundle in Hard Copy (includes Hard Copy of Book, Audio CD and Activity Book CD) for $89.95 -- ($99.95 if you want the Daily Curriculum Guide). All Hard Copy orders ship for FREE.

~~I was given the opportunity to review R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of R.E.A.L. Homeschool Spanish HERE.~~ Pin It Now!
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