Over the river, and through the wood,
to Grandfather's house we go;
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
through the white and drifted snow -- OH!
Sing along with me now! Okay, so in Southwest Mississippi we'd have to actually sing that song a little differently. There's no horse, no sleigh and DEFINITELY no snow, but we were headed to PawPaw and Mimi's house when we first opened the package and popped Maestro Classics' Swan Lake into the stereo. I had a captive audience for almost 2 hours and thought it would be great to get a little music appreciation and music history into our day. It was perfect timing, too, since we've been studying Tchaikovsky in our Composers Study.
SO? What was the verdict? Did the "captive audience" thing work? OH, YES! As soon as the first note of Swan Lake played over the speakers, everyone in our truck got quiet and listened attentively. We listened to the ENTIRE CD -- straight through with NO pauses, no interruptions, no fighting and no conversations {MAJOR accomplishment in a family of 6 on a road trip!}. The kiddos enjoyed it immensely -- from the 10-year-old Princess to the 17-year-old Senior and including the MainMost and I -- we were completely mesmerized from beginning to end. Of course my ballerinas thought this was THE.GREATEST.THING.EVER., but I was even more than thrilled with the reactions of the others.
The 7-track, 54 minute CD was more than a listening experience. It was an interactive introduction to classical music that had us all singing along ("Tchaikovsky Wrote a Great Ballet") and sharing the fun in the 24-page Activity Book. The MainMost and Boy Scout thought the rock version of Swan Lake was "way cool!" and the Princess enjoyed the puzzles and story.
Performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Maestro Classics serve as a great way to introduce your children to classical music. The stories are most entertaining, the music is breathtaking and the history lessons are challenging. I recommend that you begin stretching the mind and imagination of your child with Maestro Classics. You will greatly benefit from the Homeschool Curriculum Guides that go along with each of the CDs. They will help you to tie in music to all areas of your studies -- history, science, geography, language arts, art, music and math.
You can purchase the Swan Lake CD for $16.98 or download the MP3 for $9.98 HERE. (And there's even a SPECIAL if you order in January!) Make sure to check out the other available titles as well. We are looking forward to Casey at Bat next! You KNOW we're baseball fanatics. You can also stop by and visit Maestro Classics on FaceBook. Maestro Classics offers something neat for EVERY member of your family.

~~I was given the opportunity to review Swan Lake by Maestro Classics as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Maestro Classics HERE.~~
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