Here's for honesty: Fractions have never been my thing. Yes, I GET how they work. I understand the equivalencies. I know how to do the conversions. I have taken math "into the kitchen" on numerous occasions to show my children how it all works and to explain it in a hands-on way. It's just not my favorite thing in the mathematical world. {There, I said it!}
BUT . . . I have to admit that the new game by I See Cards is changing all of that! Fractazmic is a fantastically fun way to get your hands on fractions and get the conversions locked in your head forever. Plus, did I mention how addicting it can be? Oh, boy, is it addicting! Yes, it's a great game for the kids -- but this mom is enjoying it, too!
Designed to help students in 1st - 8th grades (but FUN for ALL AGES!), Fractazmic truly is the "most fun you'll ever have learning fractions." A deck of Fractazmic cards consist of 60 cards divided into three different color groups (see the picture below). Each of the color groups represent a different fraction family and each card is illustrated to help you "SEE" the fraction. AND, as you play the game, you reinforce the concepts of Numbers, Fractions and Measurement. Cool, huh?

Here's how it worked for us:
Because my 5th and 7th graders need the MOST practice with fractions, I started playing the game with them. I read the instructions and showed them how to play. The object of the game is to make a "set" of one. You can use any combination of fractions to make the set. Once you have played all the cards in your hand, the winner is the person holding the most sets. Simple enough, right?
Although they were a bit intimidated by the whole FRACTION thing, the Princess and the Boy Scout were willing to give it a try. The blue cards (twelfths) were by far the easiest fraction set for us to use -- the pictures of the egg carton made it easy for us to "cheat" as we counted the eggs to make our sets.
It didn't take too long though before we all had the hang of making our sets with all of the color groups and the competition was on! The Sophomore and Senior even enjoyed giving it a try! The MainMost (our resident math genius) is home for the next few weeks for Christmas Break and the kids can't wait to challenge him to a game. I can't wait to see how it goes -- I'll be sure to let you know!
You can get your very own pack of Fractazmic cards for only $6.95 a deck by ordering RIGHT HERE. While you are looking over the Fractazmic cards at I See Cards, make sure you check out their other card games as well. What a great way to get your children to DO math -- with NO complaints. (The game Pyramath is another of our family favorites. Check it out!)
For even more information, head over to the FaceBook page. AND if you really want to have some fun, jump over and try the Fractazmic Speed version online here. You can even win a FREE deck of cards if your score is the TOP SCORE for the month. Come play with me! I'm off to better my score NOW!

~~I was given the opportunity to play and learn with Fractazmic by I See Cards as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Fractazmic by I See Cards HERE.~~
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