We've been playing a new game at our house called The Reading Game (it's put out by the author of Wordly Wise -- which I really LIKE a lot!) and we both enjoy playing AND learning as we play. This was the easiest set-up for a game and a fantastic way to improve reading skills. The day that The Reading Game arrived at our house, the Princess was anxious to begin. When we finally finished our group study time, the Princess was Ready.to.Play! She'd already taken the Pre-Test Assessment so we shuffled the cards and jumped right in.
The website explains the game in this way:
The Reading Game is a fast-action memory card game. It includes a series of six beautifully illustrated storybooks. {They really ARE beautiful!} The Cards & Books work together to make learning to read exciting and enjoyable. Game sessions are fun-filled with a winner every few seconds. After completing the first memory card game, the student has thirty words “hardwired” into memory. The Skunk story, Book One in the series, is told using only those thirty words.
On completing the series, the student has a reading vocabulary of 180 words. Almost half of them are among the one hundred most commonly used words in the English language.
The Princess and I sat down and played through the first two books/sets of cards immediately and she had a blast! She loved playing the concentration-type card game -- and beating me in the process. I LOVE that while we are playing (and I'm losing!) she is getting a handle on sight words and making dramatic improvements in her reading skills. (I KNOW there was immediate improvement because I used the Test Sentence Assessment Worksheets to check!). I am looking forward to lots more fun with this one. The rounds go quickly and she feels so accomplished as she quickly reads the words aloud.

Wordly Wise was a curriculum that I had used before and had had much success with. When the Sophomore was about the age of the Princess, seizures were turning her brain into swiss cheese. The Wordly Wise series was something she could use to help remember things she had once known. It was just what we needed to keep a handle on educating through medical issues and because of our success, I KNEW that The Reading Game would be a good fit for our family. Kenneth Hodkinson has another great success with it!

You can purchase your very own copy of The Reading Game for only $24.95 HERE. You may want to check out this page that tells How It Works and read a little more about Common Core State Standards for Homeschoolers. I think you'll agree that now is the PERFECT time to order yours because this will make a great Christmas present for all readers in your family. Everyone can learn to read! The Reading Game helps make it even more fun!

~~I was given the opportunity to play The Reading Game as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of The Reading Game HERE.~~
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