It is good to praise the LORD
and make music to YOUR NAME, O MOST HIGH. Psalm 92:1
Music is good for the heart and soul. There are times when the world simply tries to steal my joy and the best way to keep it close is to get my praise on! I love having music fill my home and especially enjoy listening to my children compose music and sing songs of praise.
The MainMost and I were band geeks -- I play clarinet and bass clarinet; he's a master drummer. Our oldest daughter plays the piano and guitar and sings with a praise band at church. Our youngest daughter is learning to play the piano. Our middle daughter has taken piano and voice and currently makes music through paint on canvas. BUT our son hasn't yet found his musical niche. As a matter of fact, he crawled up next to me a few months ago to share with me his recent revelation -- that he was the only one in the family that didn't play some kind of musical instrument.
Taught by professional musician and experienced educator Karri Gregor, KinderBach lessons are short, fun and energetic. There are printable worksheets and even coloring sheets to go along with each lesson. Young children will be mesmerized by the colorful characters that sing and play on the screen while they learn. Although my son is older than the targeted age range, he has enjoyed learning the basics of the piano keyboard as well as studying music theory at his own pace.
He began with the very first lesson and easily moved through the first few weeks. He was so proud playing his first REAL SONG and no longer feels as if he's the only one in the family without some musical training. I KNOW that music boosts brainpower and he will also reap benefits in reading and math skills as he continues his study of music. That's a powerful testimony!

One of the best parts about KinderBach is that you can sign up and start today. You can get online music lessons for only $19.99 a month or $95.88 a year by signing your family up HERE. All that you have to have are a computer with internet connection and an inexpensive keyboard or piano or there are DVDs and CDs available for purchase to learn at home. With the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee offered, you can't go wrong. You can begin to foster a love of music in your children right now.
Want to see more? Since Spring has officially arrived, make sure to check out the KinderBach "Singin' in the Rain" Spring Composing Draw and let your children share the music in their heart for a chance to WIN a 3-month membership. You can also sign them up for FREE Web Lessons here AND let them enjoy the FREE coloring pages here for a chance to win a FREE songbook. KinderBach is a great way to put a song in the heart of every child. Enjoy the music, Mom!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review KinderBach as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of KinderBach HERE .~~ Pin It Now!
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