I am not the least bit creative, BUT my children are super-creative! They have been making "masterpieces" for me since they were very young -- and I've held on to as many as possible. My living room walls are covered with beautiful canvases created by them.
Ephesians 2:10 says that We are GOD's Masterpieces. I can just imagine HIM as HE created us and the exquisite world around us -- mixing beautiful colors and planning gorgeous sunsets for our enjoyment. The original ARTIST! How wonderful that HE gifted my children with a love and appreciation for the beauty around them and gave them an eye to capture just a bit of that beauty through art.
The older McBlessings take art lessons from a local artist. Mr. Roger has allowed them to try many different mediums and techniques and they have been blessed to learn from him. With their creative bents, it was easy to add ARTistic Pursuits Senior High Book Two, Color and Composition to our educational year and great to know that completing the book will give them each 1 Art Credit in Painting.

Written by homeschool mom Brenda Ellis, ARTistic Pursuits curriculum teaches students that they can BE an artist by focusing on four areas: the elements of art, the composition of art, art history and the media of art (art materials and techniques). In Senior High Book Two, Color and Composition, high school students utilize watercolors to learn all about hue -- a fancy name for color. Each of the 16 units (64 lessons spanning 88 pages ) emphasize a different aspect of Color Theory (how to use color effectively) and capture GOD's wonderful design in Creation.
Written directly to the student so they can work independently, ARTistic Pursuits includes both Art Appreciation and Art History and utilizes paintings of Master Artists to demonstrate techniques and use of materials. The beautifully vivid illustrations made looking through the curriculum and completing the assignments even more enjoyable for my Artists.
As with any art curriculum, art supplies are needed. You can purchase your materials at a local store, order from a discount art supply store directly from the ARTistic Pursuits website, or purchase pre-packaged art supply pack prepared by ARTistic Pursuits HERE.
As soon as our copy of Senior High Book Two, Color and Composition arrived in the mail, my oldest Artists were ready to begin. Designed to be completed with only 2 lessons each week, ARTistic Pursuits was an easy fit into our homeschooling schedule. As a matter of fact, my younger Artists have been quite jealous of their sisters and want their very own art books. I'll be purchasing theirs to begin in the new school year.

So what did they REALLY think?
From the 15-year-old Artist: ARTistic Pursuits was a very different take on art for me. I typically use more of heavy, darker colors in my paintings so when we began using the light, pretty pastels of watercolors, I was clueless. I wasn't sure I could do it!
I like having a feel of the famous art aspects in the lessons. It makes me remember that they were once like me -- learning how to paint. Even if they were good to begin with, they had to start somewhere, right? So, I'm glad that we have had the chance to do these amazing lessons and that we can maybe one day be like the famous artists in the book.

From the 16-year-old Artist: I enjoyed using the ARTistic Pursuits book because of its informative teaching. The course was "easy" to take because of its graphic design, which invited you in. The bright colors were a very good idea. The lessons themselves were easy to understand and left me anxious for the next.
I really enjoyed the assignments -- while giving you guidelines on how to complete them, they allowed room for individuality and creativity. ARTistic Pursuits was a success in my book. I liked the way they brought in other, older art to be the example of whatever concept we were learning.
In my Art Class, I had been attempting -- and failing miserable -- to master the art of watercolors. But when I started this course, I immediately saw improvement. It was great having something that actually applies to my life currently. It made me feel very accomplished!
An amazing curriculum to bring out the creativity in your children, we highly recommend ARTistic Pursuits. Senior High Book Two, Color and Composition can be purchased for $42.95 and is available HERE. You can also get a close-up view of sample lessons and check out the other books available for preschoolers through high school seniors. You'll be amazed at the Masterpieces your children create -- and proud to see how gifted they really are!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review ARTistic Pursuits as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of ARTistic Pursuits HERE .~~ Pin It Now!
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