With four children requiring my attention as they study many different subjects throughout the day, it's great to have a place that some can work independently while I work one-on-one with others. It's even better when that independent study time is fun AND educational. Big IQ Kids is a FREE e-learning website designed to help kids in Kindergarten - 8th Grade become and stay A+ students.
Big IQ Kids offers students the online opportunity to study Spelling, Vocabulary, Math and U.S. Geography as well as to practice telling time, to understand measurement, and to improve reading skills. As a special bonus, each of these subjects can be easily modified to best fit the individual needs of your students -- this was definitely a plus! You can use Big IQ Kids as a reinforcement for what you are currently teaching as well as allow it to introduce new material to your child upon material mastery.

My children LOVED studying the United States and I loved that they were learning state capitals, locations, correct spellings, abbreviations and fun and interesting facts. They also enjoyed the built in reward system where they earned virtual coins to play games in the Big IQ arcade as they worked through their lessons.
I loved that I could modify the spelling lessons and use the words from our current spelling curriculum for the daily spelling drills. It was extra practice and reinforcement that my kids really need. I was also very impressed with the interactive e-books available. Our Princess has just transitioned into chapter books and she found the the Big IQ Kids books exciting. If she was unsure of a word, she could double-click on it and have it pronounced for her. I liked the reading comprehension tests that accompanied each chapter and I liked getting the emails that told me what my children were working on each time they logged on.
I didn't like that some of the advertisements on the sides of the pages looked like they were part of the Big IQ website (brain training exercises). If the children weren't careful, they accidentally routed themselves off the Big IQ Kids website and ended up other places. We also didn't care for the computerized voice that helps you navigate most of the website.
Your children will enjoy learning with Big IQ Kids and will see results and improvement with daily study sessions of just 20 -40 minutes. With each subject broken down into small lesson segments, they will be encouraged as they master the material presented and YOU will be delighted to see them smiling as they learn!
You can sign up for a FREE 7-day trial and see what Big IQ Kids PREMIUM has to offer your family. You can continue to use Big IQ Kids for free OR subscribe to a PREMIUM program bundle and unlock ALL of the website for your A+ student. Premium membership is $19.99 a month or $99.99 for a 12-month subscription. You can read more about the FREE and PREMIUM memberships HERE and decide which best suits the needs of your family.

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review Big IQ Kids as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Big IQ Kids HERE .~~ Pin It Now!
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