Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Math: Phobia or Fun?

portallogo.jpg image by homeschoolcrew

It’s OFFICIALLY Back-to-School at Long Leaf Academy!  It is always fun to pull out new notebooks and pencils and paper and start learning anew.  After a sweet summer break, the McBlessings were excited to begin new subjects and revisit old ones this week.

Much to the dismay of my MainMost (a former high school math teacher), both of our high school daughters have a phobia of math.  Luckily, though, they were able to do a “refresher” course before jumping right back into math this year.  We received two math DVDs from –The Pre-Algebra Tutor, Volume 1 and The Texas Instruments TI-83/TI-84 Calculator Tutor.

item66.jpg image by homeschoolcrewThe Pre-Algebra Tutor, Volume 1 is a 5-hour video tutorial that breaks down the basic concepts of Pre-Algebra and makes them less intimidating.  Instructor Jason Gibson works multiple example problems step-by-step so that students can actually “see” math come to life.  Excellent for visual learners, The Pre-Algebra Tutor, Volume 1 covers the following algebraic concepts:

  • Real Numbers

  • The Number Line

  • Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To

  • Absolute Value and Adding Integers

  • Subtracting Integers

  • Multiplying Integers

  • Dividing Integers

  • Powers and Exponents

  • Order of Operation

I appreciate the positive encouragement Mr. Gibson entwines throughout the video reminding students that they CAN do math!

item63.jpg image by homeschoolcrewThe Texas Instruments TI-83/TI-84 Calculator Tutor is an 8-hour video tutorial designed to help you achieve maximize benefit from your TI-83/TI-84 Calculator.  This 3 DVD set teaches you how to use all of the bells and whistles available on your graphing calculator.  The 37 lessons range in topics as simple as basic arithmetic to more complex topics such as calculating the definite integral by graphing.  Although my daughters were not yet ready to use the TI Calculator in their math studies, the MainMost found the videos most interesting.  A lover of all things math, he enjoyed watching the videos and was excited to get his graphing calculator out again.  Beginning with a very good overview of the TI Calculator and ending with working with complex numbers, Professor Gibson does an excellent job of demonstrating each function of this very capable calculator.  Anyone who has ever wanted to master a graphing calculator will find this DVD series most beneficial.

Both of these DVD sets sell for $26.95 each and come with a money-back guarantee!  They are available at along with a multitude of other math resources for all age levels—from beginning counting videos to differential equations and physics.  Also worth checking out on the website are free interactive math references and articles.  A great tool to turn math phobias into math fun!

Please visit the crew blog to see what my crew mates are saying about Math Tutor DVD!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review these two math videos by Math Tutor.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.~~ Pin It Now!


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