The Sampler Pack contains 10 different resources that you can use to get children excited about JESUS. There are "animated" tracts that use a little plastic film to make the pictures come to life and move across the page, there are FlipAbouts that fold and flip to reveal different pictures that tell the facts about GOD's love, there are pop-up tracts (don't you just love a beautiful pop-up?), Gospel bracelets that use colored beads or bands to remind children of biblical truths, and wordless books that present the Salvation story so that children can easily understand what the Bible teaches about securing our place in Heaven through a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST.
What I like about this is that the Sampler Pack offers you an opportunity to hold each of the individual resources in your hands and share them with those that will best benefit from them. We all know that children come in all different shapes and sizes and their brains work in a variety of complex ways. These tracts and tools are designed to reach kids of all learning styles. Isn't it neat that you can get a firsthand glimpse at each resource before you buy the individual packages or you can order multiple Sampler Packs and use the resources for different events? Even more fun, you can use all of these pieces in so many different ways. The Sampler Pack has books that are holiday specific and has tools that can be used year-round. Be it mission trips, VBS, backyard clubs, or children's worship, there is something here for everyone. The Pop-Up books will intrigue early readers and the wordless resources will be helpful for non-readers and in language-barrier ministry situations.
One of my very favorite tracts is the animated tract called The True Story of Christmas. As you share the story of JESUS' birth, children have the chance to see a donkey move across the page as it follows Joseph and carries Mary to Bethlehem, angels fly as the Heavenly Host tells the shepherds about the baby born in a stable, and precious baby JESUS wave his arms and wiggle his feet happily in the manger. Can you see that sweet baby in the picture below? I just love, love, love this. Don't you?
You can connect with Let the Little Children Come and find out more about their other child evangelism tools by visiting the following Social Media sites:
We are called to share the LOVE of JESUS with all that we come in contact with. Let's make sure to share it big.

I was given the opportunity to review Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools Sampler Pack from Let the Little Children Come as a member of the Homeschool Review Crew. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought of these child evangelism tools and how they are planning to use them to share the love of JESUS with others.

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