I have been homeschooling for 16 years and we have graduated 3 of our 4 children (one as recently as last weekend) and I wasn't sure if I would be a "good candidate" to review Only Passionate Curiosity's Homeschool Rescue, but I knew that I needed what Heather Aliano was offering. My initial reaction when looking over this website was "yes, please." And please should probably be typed out as PLEASE -- in great big letters as bold as bold can go. The bottom line is that after sixteen YEARS, I seem to have lost my way. I will be the very first to admit that I needed a rescue like none other. The very idea that Homeschool Rescue might guide me and "breathe new life" into my world, just made me happy and the tears that fall as I type this are tears of JOY. Having followed Heather's blog for a few years, I could only imagine that her heart would shine through in such a graceful way in this resource, and I knew I wanted to try it out for myself. I was at the end of my rope and I needed a reset button. Have you ever felt that way?

I couldn't help but wonder if this veteran homeschooling high school momma could really get direction, new life, and rescue, too? I definitely met all three of her "how do I know this course is for me" statements. I read the titles of the course curriculum and re-read those titles and I sat and pondered on each of them. The more I looked at the Homeschool Rescue landing page, the more I wanted what she was offering. Have I mentioned that after 16 YEARS of homeschooling, I still find myself wondering how to do this right? How about you?
"Create a homeschool you want to teach in." I can't even begin to share with y'all how that pierces my heart. Rescue? Breath? New Life? These questions just resonate with me (and if I'm honest -- this is a safe place for that, right? -- they perfectly describe the conversations I've had with myself this year). It's been a constant struggle for me.
Am I doing everything I can for my kids?
Am I a total homeschool failure?
Would my kids be better off with someone else as their teacher?
I've heard other moms call it "seasons," but y'all -- I've been in a rough season for way too long, it seems. I've graduated three and yet, at times, I can't help but wonder if I've screwed them up. You know? We are busy. So busy. I don't know how NOT to be busy.
Here's what I know: GOD directed our paths to homeschool. I have absolutely no doubt about that still to this day, but it's not easy. It's not hard. It's just an incredibly tough "season" for this momma as I tend to beat myself up and wish I could go back about 10 years. Ha! I was ready for a rescue and Homeschool Rescue did not disappoint. For real, an online "course" that will help me troubleshoot, improve time management and organization, plan, teach, and balance this wonderful life GOD has granted? Why, yes, please! Just stop and take a look at all of the wonder and encouragement that is offered in Homeschool Rescue:
This is for real, moms. It is what my heart desired and just what I needed. Homeschool Rescue is made up of 5 teaching modules of 3 - 5 lessons each. Each teaching module is more of a grace-filled conversation between friends led by Heather Aliano via video. The videos range from 10 - 30 minutes each -- short enough that I could watch in one sitting between "busy" but long enough to really fill me up and give me plenty to ponder. And the videos are available forever -- which means it is perfectly FINE for me to watch and re-watch and maybe even watch again. There's no judgement if {perhaps} it takes me a little longer than some most to get it all together and get a grip.
Heather opens up her home and her heart and embraces each of us right where we are. She begins by having you take your homeschool pulse to see what changes you need/want to make and helps you to discover what the future of your homeschool and family environment can and should look like. She offers suggestions and advice on making your curriculum work for YOUR family and gently reminds you to follow through as you train your children and guide them to become independent learners and thinkers. She does all of this with mercy and kindness and there is never any condemnation about where you are or where you have been. Heather offers HOPE -- for brand new homeschoolers and veteran homeschoolers alike.
There are transcripts available for each lesson so you can print them out and make a notebook to read over again and again AND there are even note-taking pages that you can print and use as listening tools as you work through each lesson. I'm a pen and paper kind of girl myself, so that really appealed to me. PLUS, it gives me a place to put my homework pages once I've completed them. Did I mention that there is homework? Indeed, there is. BUT don't freak out just yet. The homework pages are friendly helpers that allow you to think about and work through the suggestions being made in the video conversations. You won't just watch/listen but you'll make physical plans to aid your rescue. If all of that's not enough, you will also have access to one of the cutest planners on the planet -- you decide which pages meet YOUR needs and print it right at home. Oh, and did I mention the LIVE workshops? Y'all, seriously, Homeschool Rescue is a GEM for us all. This is a support system and homeschooling convention all-in-one.

I must say that just calling this a "course" is almost unfair, because it is SO MUCH MORE.
Homeschool Rescue is a community -- a welcoming community of friends who will come alongside you and help to see you through. Where else will you find a safe place to say
"today, I give up" and have an entire community of moms who understand right where you are? Homeschool moms supporting one another through the good and the bad days -- with no condemnation, no scorn, and even following up with quick Facebook posts to reach out and love on you just a little. Who wouldn't want that in their life? Because, yes, even after 16 years of homeschooling, you still have difficult days, difficult weeks, difficult semesters. We need each other, moms, and
Homeschool Rescue offers that community. I'm not sure that Heather even realized just how much we all needed this when she started putting her course together. I can only say how extremely happy I am that she did.
You can find out even more about this WONDERFUL, LIFE-GIVING, JUST-FOR-YOU resource by visiting the following Social Media sites: (Please, please do. Seriously, I want this blessing for your life.)
So, here's the deal -- even if you find yourself nearing the end of your homeschooling journey like me -- there is SO MUCH GOOD STUFF included in this online course, you are going to WANT to sign up today. Actually, scratch that. You really NEED to sign up today. For yourself, for your family, for your sanity.
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