Thursday, November 10, 2016

With a Grateful Heart #gratitude #letsgetrealyall

2016 has been a trying year for our family in lots of ways.  We've experienced some crazy health issues, said sad goodbyes to dear friends, and more.  But through it all, we've seen GOD's Hand move over us and hold us close.  We have oh, so much to be grateful for.  GOD is good, all of the time -- and all of the time, GOD is good.

There is food on our table, a roof over our heads, and shoes for our feet (when we want them!).
For the most part, we all like each other at the end of every day.
The air conditioner works -- and yes, we are still using it in November.
Our dogs love us.
Our cat tolerates us.
The washing machine keeps our clothes clean and I don't have to do them by hand.
There's a wedding coming up on New Year's Eve and friends and family will celebrate with us.

I am filled with gratitude.

What are you thankful for this year?  Let's get real, y'all.
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