Friday, January 8, 2016

Random 5 on Friday (January 8)

1.  I keep forgetting what day of the week it is.  As a result, I'm a bit behind in things I was supposed to take care of.  I'm thankful there is grace.

2.  Passion 2016 was PHENOMENAL.  Oh, wow to being in the midst of WORSHIP with 40,000 {mostly} college-aged students and young adults.  Can I just share that I was taken right to the throne of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS?  It was an amazing privilege to be able to see GOD move and watch college kids open their hearts and hands as they spread LOVE to the outermost parts of the world (NICU in Syria totally funded?  YES!).

3.  The MainMost went back to work this week.  The Grad student heads back to school this weekend.  I guess the routine of life will resume on Monday.

4.  Crawfish Chowder is easy and delicious on a cold, rainy day.

5.  GOD is good all the time and ALL the time, GOD is good.

Random is as random does . . . or something like that.  What's going on in your world?
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