Monday, October 19, 2015

Strong and Kind {a book review & giveaway} #strongandkind #flyby

For 21 years I've been working at this parenting thing.  I've done some stuff right, but I've done a ton of stuff wrong.  If I could go back and do it all over again, I'd start with the advice that Korie Robertson shares in her newest book, Strong and Kind.  Written with the help of her mother, Chrys Howard, and sharing special stories from her husband, Willie Robertson, Korie touches the heart of every mother's deepest desire -- to see her children successfully reach adulthood full of hope and happiness, resting in the knowledge that they are loved beyond measure.

Korie starts with a simple concept -- choose the two character traits that are most important to you for your children and live them out so that you can teach them  -- and walks you through the steps that she and her husband took to make them a reality.  Can I just be honest here?  Oh, how I wish someone had shared this with me when I first began the parenting journey.

I'm so thankful that it is never too late to parent intentionally.   Way back in the beginning, I did not sit down and discuss with the MainMost exactly which character traits we desired to see fulfilled in each of our four children, but we have always strived to instill in them the realization that your character is important.  We've discussed being strong and kind and honest and true and compassionate and forgiving and loving and humble.  I must admit though, the idea of choosing two traits to be your main focus makes for much simpler parenting.  I did not do that  21 years ago and one daughter is now in graduate school and the other married, but I am encouraged that it is not too late for us to specifically choose and model character traits for our son and daughter still at home.

Living intentionally is exactly what this is all about.  Korie says that you must do things on purpose, deliberately, and with forethought and planning.  I agree.  A wonderful first step in this deliberate planning would be for you to read this book.  Korie lays out a straightforward, workable plan that gives you the tools to help your children reach the full potential that GOD has planned for them.

The crux of the matter and the words which I find to be most telling, sum it up like this:

By working to instill character in our children, and , more importantly, put GOD back in HIS rightful place in our lives and our homes, we're setting the stage for a brighter future.  
And that's really what it's all about.  I so appreciate reading the heart of a mom who has walked this same path I walk and who is honest to share the trials of the journey.  Do your family a favor and read Strong and Kind today.  Let's all help each other be the very best mothers we can be -- our family's legacies depend on it.

About the book:
Hardcover; 240 pages
Publisher: Harper Collins Christian Publishing (October 27, 2015)

In her new book STRONG and KIND: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed, Korie Robertson -- New York Times bestselling author, wife of Duck Commander® CEO Willie Robertson, star of A&E's Duck Dynasty, and mother of five -- argues that developing good character in our children is the single most important thing we can do to help ensure they lead happy, healthy adult lives.  Robertson explores key traits and what they truly look like in action, asks readers to select the two traits that they hope to see most in their children, and shares hands-on ways for nurturing strength of character.  Written with her mother Chrys Howard and featuring stories and wisdom from husband Willie, STRONG and KIND cuts through the contemporary cacophony of parenting manuals to rediscover, unfold, and embrace the enduring wisdom that has guided the best parents for centuries.

About Korie Robertson:
Korie Robertson, wife of Duck Commander® CEO Willie Robertson and star of A&E's beloved series Duck Dynasty, is a mother of five, a New York Times bestselling author of several books, including The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks Built a Dynasty, written with Willie; Faith Commander: Living Five Values from the Parables with Jesus, written with her mother Chrys Howard; and The Women of Duck Commander: Surprising Insights from the Women Behind the Beards about What Makes this Family Work, written with all of the Robertson wives.  She is also an in-demand public speaker, Duck Commander® executive, entrepreneur and founder of Duck and Dressing boutique, and a philanthropist, who remains active with a variety of organizations that focus on children, adoption, and foster care.  Korie lives with her family in West Monroe, Louisiana.

For more information, please visit the following Social Media sites:

I am also working through the pages of Korie's Strong and King Family Legacy Workbook that helps you uncover the family traits that are essential for your family's growth.  Would you like a copy to work alongside me?  I'd be delighted to share the PDF with you.  Just leave me a comment below or shoot me an email and I'll be happy to send it your way.

And before you leave, take just a moment to register for the Giveaway.  One lucky reader will get a copy of the book Strong and Kind mailed to them.  I hope it's you!

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising"): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

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  1. My favorite Duck Dynasty family member is Missy. She just seems like the one person I could actually be friends with. And I read her book (Blessed, Blessed... Blessed) and was incredibly impressed with her.

  2. Si ; "each child is totally different" ; +1ed the Nutcracker :)

  3. Probably what amazing value there is in homeschooling! :)

  4. How important it is to sit down and have a meal together every night.

    and my favorite family member has to be Si or Jace! I love them both!

  5. My favorite is a tie between Missy and Korie.

    Samantha (samdaleo)

  6. Th best parenting advice I ever received was to just breathe.

    Samantha (samdaleo)

  7. I enjoy Korie the most. Thanks so much for the chances to win.

  8. My favorite duck dynasty cast member is Korie!

  9. The best advice I've received is that "this too shall pass" lol and to be patient

  10. My best parenting advice was to enjoy each stage while it lasts.

  11. I commented on the "Glorious Splendor " post!

  12. The best parenting advice I received was to teach them respect...this will follow them later in respecting others as well as themselves.

  13. I like Korie...she seems like a great mom.
    Sherri J

  14. Best parenting advice is to always be willing to say you are sorry when you do something wrong.
    Sherri J

  15. I like Phil & Korie. Thank you for the chance :)

  16. The best advice I got is to teach them to be kind and respectful.

  17. My favorite Duck Dynasty family member is Jace. The best parenting advice I have received was from my dad. He told me when my son was born to not tiptoe around when he was sleeping or else as he grew up he would be a light sleeper.


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