Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Change {almost wordless Wednesday}

This is how I think of my family most days:

One of my favorite memories is a day that I was intentional to remember.  A beautiful Spring day with breezes blowing outside.  All four kids running in the side yard.  My baby toddling about in only a diaper with blonde curls bobbing.  Dogs chasing playfully after my boy.  My big girls riding their bikes while the MainMost and I looked on.  It's a day I treasure -- for the simplicity of it all and the love of all those littles.

And then they started growing up.  

A few years ago, I snapped this picture because I thought it might be the only time we were all at StudentLife Camp together.  I was right.   The big girls were serving as Family Group Leaders, the other two were there as campers.  It was a good week.  

And they kept growing up.  At Easter this year, they looked grown.  But I still held on to that Spring day of toddlers and giggles and laughter and love.

And then this weekend, this happened:

That's my mom in the picture with all of us.  I'm thinking there's an actual family picture with the MainMost, but it is all such a blur.  If there is, I'll add it, I promise.

My heart is full.  It's a crazy feeling to watch your daughter get married.  It's hard to believe how quickly change happens.  I still think of my family as that young couple with the little children.  Seems like only yesterday . . .

Hold on mommas.  Dance, laugh, color, play outside in the wind.  For tomorrow they are married.
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  1. Tears. Thanks for this. It is prep-work for my heart.

    Congratulations on your new son. <3


  2. Even though one wishes they could freeze time, at the same time, one doesn't really want to do that. What a blessing, these young-adult children have become. Thanks for linking up. :)

  3. You have a beautiful family, and your bride looked so happy. You are a wonderful mom. Cherish those memories. Lots of tears this weekend. My girls and I discussed their futures as we drove home from the wedding. It does seem like they were just babies. Time is flying way too fast.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your heart with me!