Sunday, August 9, 2015

Roll On, River {Scripture & a Snapshot}

The beautiful Bogue Chitto River, sweet friends, and good times make my heart smile.  My Mississippi at its finest.  Let JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS roll on,

I'm joining with my friend Jennifer over at a glimpse of our life as we give glory to GOD through our photos.

Scripture and Snapshot
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  1. A wonderful pairing of photo & Scripture. Beautiful!

  2. Amen! That is a perfect summer day, and during that fun you conveyed God's never-failing righteousness.

  3. Oh I don't remember that verse. I know I've read the bible over more than a few times...but some verses just don't stand out as much until I read them somewhere else. Thank you for sharing this one. I love it.

  4. Looks like a great time! Such a fun picture to go with the verse!


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