Wednesday, August 5, 2015

currently {August 2015}

Here's a look at what is currently on my mind . . . 

Creating:  calm in the chaos, painting the outside of the house, clean spaces of respite

Wishlisting:  a vacation of some sort or sleep as it seems to continually elude me. downtime -- I need downtime, and I need to find my Mother-of-the-Bride dress for the wedding.  I'm definitely wishing for that shopping trip to go smoothly.

Hoping:  smooth transitions, wedding checklists completed

Eating:  salad.  Cool, crisp lettuce tastes delicious in this hot, humid weather

Watching:  the dogs play in the early morning and late afternoon, soccer practice for the Eagle Scout, hummingbirds outside the window, bluejays stealing food from the dog bowl

currently, this month has great potential.

I linking up with Jenna and Anne to share what is currently going on in the world around me.  Join us?  Check back in on September 2nd (only 17 days until the wedding) when I share what I'm currently reading,  making,  pinning,  anticipating, and loving.
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1 comment:

  1. Cool and crisp is exactly what I've been craving for meals lately too! Hope you find your dress soon, and thanks for linking up :)


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