You might remember that last year one of my very favorite review items was an eBook called
Circle Time. It revolutionized the way that I think about family time and homeschool. My friend Kendra Fletcher over at
Preschoolers and Peace has a heart of pure gold. This year, I'm excited to share another one of her eBooks with you. This one is called
Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet. (47 pages, $2.99) Now mind you, I no longer have any preschoolers at home but I can always use a fresh reminder about loving on my older kids. And I know plenty of you DO have little ones at your feet while you work with older kids. Can't you use a little encouragement, too? This is a great resource for moms because it is a great reminder about why we do what we do. Kendra understands us -- even the nitty, gritty
"sometimes I don't want to do this any more" us -- because she is one of us. She's a mom of 8 between the ages of 5 and 20, a wife, a homeschooler, a writer, and a daughter of the KING.
If you're a homeschooling mom of older children with little ones underfoot, then this book is perfect for you. If you're a homeschooling mom of just older children (where did those sweet babies go?), then this book is perfect for you. You will find enough treasure in the first chapter alone to make it well worth the purchase price.
Kendra begins the Preschoolers and Peace eBook by discussing what it is that a homeschooling mom needs. The first chapter serves as a great reminder that homeschooling is not who we are and it does not define us -- only CHRIST can define us. Apart from HIM, we are nothing. What a perfect beginning to an encouraging book. I personally needed to be reminded that this is exactly what homeschooling is all about. The Gospel is where I began, it is where I must dwell, and it is where I must end. Nothing else matters. And THAT is why I homeschool.
Kendra further explains how we can intentionally teach the redemptive grace of JESUS to our children (from as early as ages 3 & 4 all the way through to their teens) by modeling LOVE and pointing them to find their identity and value in TRUTH of the Gospel. Wow! That will preach and it's just the sermon this tired momma needed to hear.
We all know that preparation is the key to success and Kendra shares some great ideas on how you can prepare yourself to homeschool no matter how many children you have or how old your children are through hands-on prayer activities. Her "five things" to start each day are profound in that they teach children to pray in all things. How beautiful that she teaches all of her children to begin each day in prayer over what is to come. What a perfect example for us all.
And how about schedules? We all need them, but I never thought of my color-coded schedule as freeing. Kendra offers sample schedules as a freedom tool and explains how scheduling can work FOR your benefit. I've been homeschooling for 15 years and this was a revolutionary idea to me.
Offering tons of ideas for ways to occupy preschoolers and pointing out the beautiful flexibility of homeschooling, Kendra calms the soul as she focuses a mom's heart on making moments that matter. She reminds us all that we don't own time. She shares from her heart the things she wishes she had done in past seasons of life (she says that she wishes she had spent time memorizing more Scripture, organizing recipes into workable long term systems, playing the piano daily, and writing encouraging letters when her children were small) and this fills me with HOPE that all is not lost in this season I currently find myself facing. I have been talking to my husband in recent weeks about my regrets over things not done with my children so this is a great reminder to start doing the things that matter. I'm learning to be a YES mom.
Finally, Kendra shares how her family of 10 works together to accomplish the chores that keep the family in gear and gives wonderful advice on teaching obedience. She encourages moms to keep going when life gets tough and suggests that you rewind and revamp as needed. Through prayer, meal planning strategies, and accepting help when friends and family offer to bear your burdens, Kendra holds your hand and loves you enough to let you know you are truly indispensable. Now that is exactly what this homeschooling mom of 4 older kids needed to hear. How about you?
Don't you dare let the title of this eBook prevent you from soaking up the knowledge and love of a friend like Kendra Fletcher. All moms need a little bit of PEACE and this book will help you find it.
You can find even more encouragement from Kendra by checking out Preschoolers and Peace on Social Media:
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