Thursday, September 4, 2014

Showcasing Art on the Virtual Refrigerator

My older girls have had the opportunity to take art lessons from different people throughout the years.  They both took art and pottery from a dear couple during their elementary years.  They took from another locally famous artist for several years while they were in high school.  The Eagle Scout and the Princess took a summer pottery course at the performing arts school here in town and they've done numerous art projects at Long Leaf Academy.  I still have special pictures and love notes to mom from each of my children hanging on the refrigerator (some from very early days of stick drawings).  Although they're growing up, this mama's heart hangs on to the sweetness of days gone by.  I even have a spot on the wall that I refuse to paint over because it's a first little drawing of love.  Canvases hang throughout my house to showcase the world's beauty through the the eyes of my children.

I enjoy seeing their creative sides explode in a variety of mediums.  I'm excited that the Princess has chosen to follow in the footsteps of her big sisters and take an Art and Art History class this year.  She's only been to two classes thus far, but I'm proud to see her pencil and ink drawings as she studies technique and practices the craft.  It is my pleasure to share a page from her sketch pad with you today.  Enjoy . . .

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