Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School @ Long Leaf Academy

It's Official
Early morning breakfast

coffee and cherry coke

chocolate chip waffle

The breakfast of Champions?  They almost ate it all, too.

Breakfast with Dad is the best way to start the year.


Eagle Scout works on Religious Emblem homework

They stole my heart years ago.
Where did the time go?

Check out more First Days over at Journey to Josie

Be The One
And more First Day of School posts over at Be The One

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  1. Love those two and hope that their school year is blessed with much wisdom, knowledge, happiness, joy in learning and peace and growth in Jesus Christ.

  2. I can hardly believe they are in the 8th and 10th grades....WHERE has the time gone?

  3. It looks like you have so much fun with these two! Thanks so much for linking up. May you have a blessed year!


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