Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Schoolhouse Review: Media Talk 101 -- Captivated DVD #hsreviews

The title tells you that this is a review, but this is so much more than "just a review".  Please read this post and hear my heart. I'm definitely in the midst of a journey as GOD pierces my heart for the future of my family.  I stay on the verge of tears.  Captivate me, LORD JESUS, and set my eyes on YOU.
Captivated Movie Review
Captivated Movie ReviewI had them captive in the truck as we drove to robotics competition.  I stuck the Captivated DVD  from MediaTalk 101 into the DVD player while everyone in the backseat played on their electronic devices. You know that eerie blue light?  It radiated off of their faces and my questions were met with mumbled "um-hms" that let me know they weren't listening.  They were deeply involved in whatever games they were playing and the social media outlets they were checking out.  Entirely too connected to the world and not nearly connected enough to the immediate family, it's time to seek freedom in this media driven culture.  We are guilty of being captivated by those little electronics that we hold in our hands.  And I am just as guilty.

As the video began, I noticed the reactions in the vehicle.  My MainMost kept turning it up.  The kids put their phones down. All watched together as the movie began to captivate our hearts.

Beginning with a discussion of media consumption, Captivated reminds us that the minds of children are fine-tuned to the world in which they inhabit.  And what does that world look like at my house?  Do we spend more time talking to one another or texting people outside of our immediate world?

Romans 12:2 says Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know GODs will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.  This verse has played constantly in my head ever since I watched Captivated for the first time.  GOD has used this movie in my life to remind me of WHO HE IS and who HE calls me to be.  

The content of today's media strongly influences attitudes and behaviors.  Media can be poison.  2 Corinthians 10:5 says "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of GOD, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to CHRIST."  This challenges us me to guard against what content we I allow into our my homes.  What am I allowing to CAPTIVATE my family?  Am I encouraging my children to take EVERY thought captive?  The movie Captivated is reminding me of what I already knew -- and what I had let my guard down on unfortunately .

My MainMost is the Director of Technology at the local community college.  He is inundated with all things technological and by default our children are extremely technical mindful.  We all have iPhones, iPads, Kindles, and laptops,  There are televisions in each room in our house.  Yet, I long for the days when we had no cable television and spent nights playing games and laughing together.

We are captivated by media and technology.  It is time to break free.  Colossians 2:8 tells us to "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ."  It is my desire that my family is not enslaved to empty deception and the philosophies of the world.  

Tragedy struck our home this week.  It seems a message came through and the phone vibrated just as my Boy Scout leaned over to turn the water off at the faucet.  His phone took a swim.  He immediately pulled it out of the water, removed the case, and stuck it in a bag of rice.  And began to mourn the loss of his connectivity.

But a funny thing happened as he waited to see if it would survive the swim. Here's the beauty that I was able to capture outside yesterday:


It was wonderful to see my son enjoying the beauty that GOD has created and soaking up the sunshine on his quest to cure boredom.  I am thankful that the phone slipped into the water and he was able to get outside and LIVE without the ties of the ping of the phone and the glow of the screen.

Captivated in no way condemns the use of media and technology.  It simply acts as a guide to make you aware of how media and technology are being used in your home.  For me, it is a conviction and an encouragement to wage the battle for those things that aim to hurt my family.  I want us to all be captivated -- captivated with JESUS.  It is my heart's desire that my children will be discerning about all things that they allow to take up space inside their heads.  I pray that they will see clearly the things of this world and be able to walk away.

Feeling the need to release the hold that technology has on my family, I originally planned to watch this 107-minute movie with my husband.  It is definitely a documentary for adults, but I found it to be perfectly appropriate for my children (ages 12, 14, 17, and 19) to watch as well.  It has been a great conversation starter at my house and has been a game changer as well.  It is well worth the $16.95 price tag (with free shipping) and the current Buy One, Get One for $5 special is an even better blessing.  You can help our media captive culture break free from the chains that bind by purchasing one for your family and one to share with another family.  I am convicted even more after watching Captivated that we MUST return to our FIRST LOVE and build real life relationships through HIM.  
Captivated Movie Review
MediaTalk 101 is dedicated to teaching media discernment in the light of CHRIST and my heart is heavy to make sure that our home reflects HIS light and brings glory and honor to HIM in ALL that we do and say. Our technology habits are changing and for that I am thankful.

You can find out more about the movie Captivated and MediaTalk 101 by visiting them on FaceBook and Twitter, but PLEASE don't spend too much time there.  Step away from your electronic devices and go hang out with your family.  You'll be so glad you did.

Crew Disclaimer

I was given the opportunity to review the Captivated DVD from MediaTalk 101 as a member of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew.   You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)

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1 comment:

  1. What an important lesson for our kids to learn now. All of us. Our phones and Internet were out earlier this week, and it was interesting to see the alternate selections that we made.


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