Thursday, March 13, 2014

Schoolhouse Review: Egglo Entertainment -- Sharing the LIGHT

Egglo Review
I'm always looking for new ideas to share the LOVE of JESUS in such a way that children not only see GOD, but can touch HIM as well.  I like tangible examples of who HE is and how very much HE cares for each of us.  I was excited to find the Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs ($11.99/dozen) by Egglo Entertainment and to share them with my children -- both at home and at church.

Together, the glowing eggs and The Egg-cellent Adventure Easter Book ($9.99 40-page book, $2.99 30-minute book audio download) represent so much more than just a typical Easter egg hunt.  A wonderful Bible Study tool, the kids at church were excited to see my basket of brightly colored eggs but were even more thrilled when we turned off the lights and they could see that the eggs were glowing in the dark.  Even better, each egg held a tiny surprise -- an Egglo Treasures Scripture Scroll ($4.29/dozen) to open and read.

The children in our Children's Worship time Sunday night enjoyed opening up the glowing eggs and retrieving the tiny scroll from inside.  It was wonderful to see the joy on the faces of the kids as they read from GOD's Word right off of the scrolls.  Following our time of worship together, I played a game with the children while we waited for parents to arrive for pick up.  One sweet second grader sat quietly beside my basket and opened each and every egg to read the Bible verse off of the scroll inside.  She was beaming as she told me that she had "read them all."  I was beaming, too.  And THAT is what it is all about, my friends.  Watching children draw near to JESUS and seeing them excited to read HIS WORD is simply priceless.

How cool is this Easter basket? -- by day and by night
The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide ($14.99) offers great suggestions for using the Egglo Easter Eggs to teach us all that JESUS is the LIGHT and that the LIGHT shines in the darkness. This 60-page downloadable guide makes it easy to plan a wonderful, GLOWING event that children will remember forever.  With the included coloring pages, snack ideas, decorating suggestions, and step-by-step plans for a fun time together, children will see JESUS in an entirely new way.  Not only will they hear you tell them that JESUS shines through them, they will be able to see it for themselves.  

JESUS is the LIGHT for ALL of the World
I adapted one of the ideas in the book for use in Bible Study this week (you can see it for yourself in the picture to the left). Look at all the different people that make up this cross.  They are all different -- different ages, different skin tones, different hair color, different dispositions.  As different as they all are, they are all also the same.  JESUS loves each and every one of them.  The world has always been full of darkness -- but JESUS came that we might find LIGHT.  The glow in the dark eggs remind us to share the LIGHT (and the tiny treasures inside each egg remind us to hide GOD's Word deep in our hearts so that we will always be ready to tell others about HIM).

Although the box says they are ideal for children ages 4 - 13, Glow in the Dark Egglo Eggs can actually be used with people of ALL ages.  They provide the perfect learning tool for children and adults alike.  I've used them successfully with preschoolers through middle schoolers at church and my high school and college kids at home.  Even the adults present had an "Ah-Ha" moment when we pulled them out and talked about being LIGHT in a dark world.  

Before using the eggs, I "charged" them in the sun for about an hour.  I simply placed the entire basket (seen in my picture above) on top of my car.  The glow of the eggs lasted about 45 minutes after being charged.  Enough time for us to hold them in our hands and talk about shining brightly for JESUS.  As their charge began to fade, they were the perfect example of who we are as Christians.  Aren't those eggs a bit like us?  :)  I know personally if I am spending time being "charged" by the SON, I glow more myself.  But when I only "charge" a while, I can quickly lose my light.  The Egglo Easter Eggs are a hands-on reminder to keep "charging" -- to read GOD's love story to us, to fellowship with other believers, to worship, to KNOW HIM and make HIM KNOWN.

Egglo Review

And the best part about the Glow in the Dark Easter Eggs?  The children wanted to take them home so that they could explain to their parents about JESUS -- the LIGHT of the World.  They LOVED the eggs and can't wait until our Kid's Night Out GLOW event at the end of this month.  We will be using the eggs in a missions emphasis to Go Light Our World.  I'm looking forward to sharing more about GOD's LOVE and using the eggs as a conversation starter for all.  I plan to use the eggs year-round in ministry and at home because seeing IS believing.  I want to make sure that children SEE JESUS and BELIEVE in HIM.

Find out more about Egglo Eggs by visiting these Social Media Sites:
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Egglo Review
A wonderful addition to your Easter Celebration, Egglo Easter Eggs offer an exciting adventure to families.  I am honored to recommend them to you.  I just know you'll love them as much as we do.  The eggs are sturdy and well-constructed and I have no doubt that they'll be a part of our traditional celebration for years to come.

Crew Disclaimer

I was given the opportunity to review Egglo Entertainment'Glow in the Dark Easter Eggs as a member of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew.   You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)
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