It's hard for me to believe that there really was a time that I didn't know about Apologia Educational Ministries, but there was. I well remember the day my sweet friend told me about the homeschool science curriculum I SHOULD be using -- the one that she just knew would be the perfect fit for my family. I'm so glad that she took the time to share all things Apologia with me because we've been using it exclusively ever since. As a matter of fact, we've now used most all of the homeschool science resources available and have used quite a few of the Biblical Worldview resources, as well. Apologia Educational Ministries offers such a variety of homeschooling helps, you simply can't go wrong with them.

I like that Apologia writes books that students understand. Although I am a very hands-on mom, there are times when I need to be able to make an assignment and walk away to help another child. Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics allows me to do just that. I am using it with my 7th Grade Princess with complete confidence that she can read, comprehend, and follow directions on her own, as needed.
Filled with all of the features I already loved about Apologia Science, Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics includes experiments, projects, notebooking ideas and activities in each lesson. My very favorite section of all is called Final Matters and it explains how deep and how wide and how marvelous the LOVE of GOD is and traces GOD's HANDs in each and every scientific finding as it is studied throughout the book. THAT, my friends, is what Apologia is all about. How perfect for us all.
The 14 lessons are similar to the chapters you find in other books. They fully explain the principles of Chemistry and Physics and offer the flexibility home educators rely upon. You can use this curriculum for a jam-packed semester of Science activity or you can spread it out over the course of an entire school year. As with other Apologia Sciences, there are age-appropriate notebooking journals available to even further personalize Chemistry and Physics. The notebooking journals ($24.00 each) offer a suggested schedule depending on the age and attention span of your student. We found the two-weeks per lesson to be completely do-able and FUN. Expanding the lessons to encompass 28 weeks is allowing us to do most all of the suggested activities and to really enjoy the experiments included. (Who wouldn't want to make a Periodic Table of sugar cookies?)

The Chemistry and Physics Notebooking Journal is perfect for older students. With many of the same features as those found in the Junior Notebooking Journal, the 200+-page spiral-bound notebook offers longer Scripture copywork and more writing opportunities through fill-in-the-blank activities and crossword puzzles. Additionally, each lesson provides book suggestions and activities to take the lessons deeper. (YES -- you CAN build your own hovercraft with a few simple supplies.)
The Princess and I have been using Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics together on a daily basis. For the most part, it has been a read-aloud text with my 9th grader "listening in" and accompanying his sister with the experiments. Experiments make science just plain fun and I relish every opportunity to have my children smiling together as they work alongside one another. It does my heart good to know that my children are challenged and enjoy working together to see experiments completed successfully. Another of my favorite parts of Apologia? The supplies needed for lessons and experiments are typically easy to find and most are right here in my home. There are no trips to expensive specialty stores and I'm not caught unprepared for school. (Except for that one cherry tomato we needed. I don't do tomatoes but procuring it was as simple as a quick trip to Wal-Mart.) Apologia makes real science easy for me and fun for my children while teaching truth. The educational components are unparalleled and the spiritual components are superb.
Apologia's Exploring Creation series is simple-to-use and easy to comprehend. My 7th grader has been challenged as she learns about the building blocks of creation and puts mechanics in motion. We are both looking forward to completing this homeschool science and can't wait to study about electricity and machines and magnets. Most of all, though, my heart is happy knowing that through all of these topics, Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics points my children to the LIGHT of the WORLD. For me, that's what home education is all about -- learning about JESUS in all that we do. Thanks, Apologia.

I was given the opportunity to review Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics by Apologia Educational Ministries as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)

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