Thursday, November 1, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: RECON


I often tell the story of one of my political science professors.  I knew he was an atheist, but one day in class he began talking about the Bible with disdain and the fact that it was not to be taken "literally."  As his proof, he pointed the class to Matthew 19:24.  That scripture says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of GOD.  And for some reason, I spoke up.

He'd made such references for an entire semester and I had never said a word.  But that day, I was brave.  All meekness aside, I knew I had to say something.  I could not listen anymore so I raised my hand and politely contradicted my professor.  I simply stated that I didn't think he was using that verse in the right context.

It was a bold move and one that I would not typically make, but it bothered me to know that people sitting in the classroom might take his word as "law" just because he had the title "Dr." before his name.  I was afraid that there were students in class who didn't have a personal relationship with JESUS and that they would get the wrong impression of our wonderful Heavenly FATHER based on the words of my professor.

It was obvious that no one had ever contradicted him before.  I certainly meant no disrespect, but he was flustered.  The glass of water he picked up off of his desk began shaking in his hand and he spilled it on his briefcase of papers.  That's the point where he dismissed class -- except for me.  I stayed behind and was nervous as could be.  I explained my understanding of Matthew 19:24 and apologized if I had been out of line.  I really had no idea what that moment in class would do to my final grade, but I also knew that it didn't matter.  As nervous as I had been, I knew I could not keep silent.  GOD was bigger and HE was in control.

A few years later, I talked to that same professor again.  I found out that his son had been praying for him and inviting him to church for quite some time -- and finally he went.  How wonderful to find out that my atheist professor had met JESUS and was a changed man.  An atheist no more, but a disciple of CHRIST.  AMEN and AMEN.

That experience was one of the boldest times of my life.  It was a time when I very visibly saw GOD at work and I have never forgotten it.  I wish that I had not waited so long to speak up and I pray that I am growing my children to be bold in their faith -- more bold than their mother.  One of the greatest resources I have found to help them be BOLD and READY is a new Spiritual Training curriculum called RECON.

Written primarily for high school Juniors and Seniors preparing to enter the college arena, RECON is exactly what our children need to study in order to be most prepared for the liberal views that will be thrown at them throughout college.  From classmates to professors, our children are entering a world of chaos and confusion when they leave our homes and we will help them most when we send them off prepared.  I think that it is of the utmost importance that we are teaching our children to be armored up and ready for battle.

The primary overall objective of the RECON curriculum is to move our students spiritually forward in their walk with GOD.  My sweet Junior and I were talking a few weeks ago and she said, "Mom, it will be interesting to hear other opinions on the world when I get to college.  You know, I've only ever heard the biblical view here at home.  I wonder what others will tell me."  Although I simply nodded and said "mmm-hmmm,"  I have to tell you that it sent cold chills down my spine.  I don't want her to be confused by this crazy wold.  More than anything else, I want her to be ready to defend the faith.  HER FAITH.  A faith that she owns and understands and clings to like no other.  I am reminded how very brief my time training my children really is and I am praying that they each hold on tightly to what GOD has in store for them.

RECON comes to me at just the right time.  {Of course, I should not be surprised because GOD always shows up right on time.}  I knew from the Dedication that all was well.
This "workbook is dedicated to Generation Y, our next group of heroes in the spiritual battle for Earth's future in a 'Plan B' world.  This Millennial generation will be the one that sets the tone for the next several decades, and it is them I salute as they enter into the fray following our COMMANDING OFFICER.
A "Plan B" world -- yes, that's exactly where we live.  How wonderful to be reminded that I am raising and praying over the NEXT GROUP OF HEROES -- the very students who will SET THE TONE for what is to come.  WOW.  That's a breathtaking reality for this mama.  

PhotobucketSo, what IS RECON?  RECON is a network -- a community -- of students that set out to put hands and feet to the Great Commission on the college campus -- and it begins at home.  A high school curriculum that is perfect for small group study, discipleship core groups, or homeschool study, RECON is a 72-Day Boot Camp designed to fully train your student-warrior.  This Boot Camp should take you 18 weeks to complete at the rate of 4 lessons per week.  That's just one semester of INTENSE training in which your student prepares to face the world in spiritual armor.  And it is INTENSE.  My Junior and I have been working together through the curriculum and I really must tell you that I like what we're doing.  
Conceived, written, and designed by Bill Perry, RECON is a generational model for college ministry.  This apologetics course will find your child grounded in defending and explaining their faith.  This is the real thing.  RECON is a deep study that  will encourage immense growth in your child -- and in you as their mentor and teacher. 

Photobucket This Spiritual Training course puts the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST in your hand and teaches you how to share it with others.  The Spiritual Training Manual (Student Workbook) is a 173-page spiral-bound workbook in fill-in-the-blank format for $12.99.  The accompanying Teacher's Manual is a 448-page spiral-bound book for $21.95.  You need both to effectively complete training. The Teacher's Manual includes daily lesson plans that tell you what to read and say so that your students can clearly understand and answer the questions in their workbook.  There is absolutely no guesswork involved.  It is all  laid out for you.  A copy of the student pages is even included within the Teacher's Manual so that you can see exactly what your student is seeing.  That's the kind of Teacher's Manual I find most helpful.  How about you?  This is an incredible price for the wealth of information provided -- all meat and no milk.  


In a small group setting, each of the Boot Camp sessions would take about an hour to complete.  Since I am currently working through RECON with my daughter, it does not take us nearly that long.  We read the lesson, answer questions, fill in notes, and study Scripture together as part of our daily routine.  She is left alone to do the "Explore After Class" section which takes her a step further in her study through hands-on activities and more in-depth questions designed to get her thinking.  Beginning with a look at the BIBLE as our "strategic planning manual" and working through the goodness that is GOD's LAW, students explore the views of the world and how to combat false teachings.

AND HERE'S SOMETHING REALLY COOL -- an added bonus, if you will:  Once your student has completed the training course, he/she can register on the RECON website by the college they will be attending and connect with other RECON graduates there.  Now, isn't that a great thing to know?  Your child can find like-minded Christians to meet with and pray with and form accountability groups to help each other stay the course.

RECON is a wonderful training course for children.  I am thoroughly convinced that students who graduate from this study will be prepared for spiritual battle and will be able to share the love of JESUS in new and exciting ways.  I like it so much that I am trying to devise a plan to utilize portions of the study with my middle schoolers.  The time is fleeting and we must train them early.  The world beckons and I desire that they be prepared.  Our GOD is a GOD of peace and I am continually praying just that over my children daily.  They must be ready to take up the whole armor of GOD so that they may be able to withstand the evil of the day.  (Ephesians 6:13)


~Disclaimer:  I was given the opportunity to use and review RECON as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  I received the curriculum in exchange for my honest review. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew thought of RECON.~

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