Of gathering around the radio together to hear the next episode of fun and laughter. Of sitting together to listen to GOD's Word in action.
Of families who laugh together, and cry together, and embrace one another.
Of Dad's who come home from work and are surrounded by adoring children and a wife that makes him smile. That's the time I'm longing for -- and the gathering I'm praying to recreate.
Beloved Books understands my heart and its desire for simpler times and closer families and they strive to help make that desire a reality by sharing life-affirming, wholesome literature. A family-run company, Beloved Books was created to make great books and audio resources available to fellow Christian families. We've recently had the opportunity to begin begin my quest for MORE of US and LESS of the WORLD through the stories of the Sugar Creek Gang -- an audio adventure series that is simply life-changing.
From the very beginning, the Sugar Creek Gang grabbed our attention. When our new friend Bill started to describe the members of the Gang and we found out the Leader was a former Boy Scout, my Boy Scout did a fist-pump and whooped "Oh, yeah". That was VERY GOOD but I knew we had a winner when the Princess ran out of the room to grab a brush and came barreling back in with a "What happened? What did I miss?".

I had heard great things about the Sugar Creek Gang years ago when I was looking for books to foster a love of reading in my children. I even bought a coloring book from a resale shop one year hoping to get my hands on the actual books. I am thrilled to find Beloved Books and finally be able to share the Sugar Creek Gang with my children through the audio series. We all enjoy audio books and I enjoy knowing that we can gather together to sit, to listen, to laugh, or to cry. We've been doing just that every afternoon at the close of our regular school activities and it is time well spent. Our daily listening time has become so much more than family time -- it is a discipleship journey for us all.
The Sugar Creek Gang audio series shares the adventures of 6 friends as they live life and learn about JESUS. Written in 1939 by evangelist Paul Hutchens, the Sugar Creek Gang allows you to
step back in time . . . to one-room schoolhouses, hot summer days of fishing, fun and barefoot boys. [These] stories engage the imagination and draw a child's heart into a living relationship with GOD.
Although "narrated" by a young boy named Bill and full of exciting things such as robbers, camping and secret hideouts, both my son AND daughter have enjoyed listening along -- {not to mention me and the Junior}. As they follow the stories of the members of the Sugar Creek Gang, my 11- and 13-year-olds have been encouraged to share their own testimonies with their friends and have developed a new empathy for others. This is a family-friendly series for families with children of ALL ages. Young and old will be touched as they listen along.
The audio series is simply incredible and a must-have for your family library. Paul Ramseyer's dramatized readings of the series is fascinating. What we have enjoyed most is the interweaving of Scripture, morals, hymns and science throughout in a refreshing way. The Sugar Creek Gang inspires children to be courageous and speak confidently about the LOVE of our FATHER. As we listen, we are drawn deeper into our relationship with JESUS -- and that's the very best part of all.
We've been listening to (and falling in love with) the Sugar Creek Gang Volume 1 which includes 6 stories from the original Sugar Creek Gang book series. Each of the 6 stories takes up 2 CDs and runs for about 2 hours. That's TWO INCREDIBLE HOURS of family fun and listening adventure for each story. With 6 stories, Volume 1 will entertain your family for 12 HOURS and will only cost you $54.95. But be forewarned: your family is going to simply fall in love and you are going to relish the time spent together. Don't be surprised if they beg you to order the entire series (6 Volumes of 72 HOURS of adventure). We've enjoyed it so very much and I know your family will be just as enamored as us. As a special treat, you can use the code GREAT-POTENTIAL-20 and save 20% off of your entire purchase at Beloved Books {and that's off of ANYTHING you decide to buy, not just the Sugar Creek Gang}.
This entire series would make a GREAT Christmas present for families that you love. I've also seen several other titles worth owning at Beloved Books. You'll want to make sure to include them on your Christmas list. This is a great start to my quest for simpler times and closer family. I'm glad we're listening together. Why don't y'all join us and come along to Sugar Creek? You'll find a place of warmth and laughter, hope and JESUS -- and you'll be so glad you did.
This Day Has Great Potential . . . it really, truly does.

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The audio series is simply incredible and a must-have for your family library. Paul Ramseyer's dramatized readings of the series is fascinating. What we have enjoyed most is the interweaving of Scripture, morals, hymns and science throughout in a refreshing way. The Sugar Creek Gang inspires children to be courageous and speak confidently about the LOVE of our FATHER. As we listen, we are drawn deeper into our relationship with JESUS -- and that's the very best part of all.
We've been listening to (and falling in love with) the Sugar Creek Gang Volume 1 which includes 6 stories from the original Sugar Creek Gang book series. Each of the 6 stories takes up 2 CDs and runs for about 2 hours. That's TWO INCREDIBLE HOURS of family fun and listening adventure for each story. With 6 stories, Volume 1 will entertain your family for 12 HOURS and will only cost you $54.95. But be forewarned: your family is going to simply fall in love and you are going to relish the time spent together. Don't be surprised if they beg you to order the entire series (6 Volumes of 72 HOURS of adventure). We've enjoyed it so very much and I know your family will be just as enamored as us. As a special treat, you can use the code GREAT-POTENTIAL-20 and save 20% off of your entire purchase at Beloved Books {and that's off of ANYTHING you decide to buy, not just the Sugar Creek Gang}.
This entire series would make a GREAT Christmas present for families that you love. I've also seen several other titles worth owning at Beloved Books. You'll want to make sure to include them on your Christmas list. This is a great start to my quest for simpler times and closer family. I'm glad we're listening together. Why don't y'all join us and come along to Sugar Creek? You'll find a place of warmth and laughter, hope and JESUS -- and you'll be so glad you did.
This Day Has Great Potential . . . it really, truly does.

~Disclaimer: I was given the opportunity to use and review the Sugar Creek Gang Audio CDs found at Beloved Books as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I received a a copy of the audios to listen to with my family in exchange for my honest review. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Crew thought of the Sugar Creek Gang.~
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