After we finished our academic classes yesterday, we donned our tennis shoes, cleared the living room, and completed an assortment of exercises. Following our cool down, we hit the road. The Boy Scout and the Princess took off ahead of the Junior and me on their bicycles. We had Finleigh on the leash and set off on our walk. Yay for us -- we walked/rode 1.4 miles! Last night the MainMost and I repeated the walk.
We've started school today with that same 1.4 mile trek and returned home to healthy breakfast choices. It's a process, but we're going through it together for better shapes and better health in this new year.
What are you doing to better your family? I'd love to hear.

Love your cutesy blogspot.....and we are walking (jerm running) each morning on the treadmill and have started Advocare shakes twice a day with a healthy meal at night. Drinking green tea and waters during the day. So far....I've done a mile each morning (for the past two weeks), but won't be pushing myself due to the active RA right now. We will keep your family in our prayers, please do the same for us. :)