Math has long been our biggest struggle at Long Leaf Academy. If you've been following along on our home education adventure for any length of time, you've heard me say it before. It's just the most difficult portion of what we do. I really don't know why it is so hard for us -- it just is.
My Graduate will tell you that she wishes she had spent MUCH more time doing math. She realized when she took the ACT that it really was her weakest link. So much so that she decided to go on and enroll in an online algebra class through the community college this summer -- just to help her get ahead and be more prepared when she starts her full load of college coursework in the fall. Her class is MyMathLab plus by Pearson Education, Inc. which is so very neat because my Sophomore has been working on MyMathLab Algebra 1 by Pearson Homeschool Education. The courses are both written by the same instructor, Elayn Martin-Gay. {I can't help but marvel at how GOD works all things out. It's so cool to have both daughters sitting side-by-side working on maths that are similar in scope -- and having the eldest encourage her sister to really try and "get it."}
Now my Sophomore HATES math. She truly despises it. I understand from where her frustration with math stems (she is epileptic and we spent MANY years re-learning basic math facts as seizures wiped out her short-term memory) but I am also trying to help her persevere and push through the bad memories as I encourage her to work hard each day. She also realizes the importance of math. We've looked high and low for a math program that she would like -- and Pearson's MyMathLab fits the bill. YAY!

MyMathLab is easy to set up and begin. There are two components to the curriculum: the Student/Child Access Kit and the Parent Access Kit. I began by registering our homeschool using the Parent Access Code provided in the Parent Access Kit. After I registered and signed in, it was easy to create the course for my daughter. Then it was her turn. She logged on and put in her Student Access Code provided in the Student Access Kit. Once she had done that, she was ready to begin.
One of the things that I like most about MyMathLab is that my Sophomore has felt confident enough to take off without much help from me. The instruction given is clear and concise and there are ample opportunities to work through math problems correctly. If the student doesn't understand the first time through, there are additional videos and explanations provided. It has been great to see my daughter sit and work on math without complaining (at least not as much as usual). I also like knowing that she is getting the same foundation for the math classes she will take in college.
Divided into 10 Sections (view the Table of Contents HERE), Algebra 1 is designed to be a full year-long course. BUT if your student is motivated it can be finished much earlier as they work at their own pace. Ready to use right out-of-the-box, MyMathLab is fully interactive. We have chosen to use it as-is with no modifications by me but you are free to customize and create your own lesson plans if you'd like. (My MainMost is a former high school math teacher and he approved of the lessons just as they are for us.) The grading is done automatically as soon as work is finished and the lessons are personalized based on your child's learning style. With over 3,000 videos, concepts are well-covered and any questions you might have are answered in the Parent Guide.
With our history in math, we are obviously taking it slowly. I want my sweet Sophomore to enjoy learning and to understand the answers that she comes up with as she works the math problems. I really find that Pearson Homeschool's MyMathLab Algebra 1 is helping with this.
I did ask her to tell me a few things about her experience with the program and here's what she said:
What I LIKE: The instructor explains things very well. It is not confusing and I understand more than I ever thought I would.
What I DON'T LIKE: The video quality changes throughout the video. Sometimes there is a camera change or an angle change and the pixel quality changes. Also, sometimes the audio changes and the instructor's voice gets quieter or louder. That kind of stuff bothers me.
For us, this has been a winner. You can purchase Pearson's MyMathLab and encourage your students to excel. The Parent Access Kit is available for $30.00 and the Student Access Kit is available for $49.97. (This is a GREAT deal. You don't even want to know how much the College curriculum costs us for the summer class.)

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