Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Warm Thankfulness

I am thankful for warm fires when the cooler temperatures arrive. I am thankful for sweet children who brought firewood from

W-A-Y out by the tree

and stacked it right by the front door yesterday in anticipation of cold weather heading our way.  I am thankful for a pyromaniac MainMost who knows how to build the biggest, warmest fires ever.  I am thankful for snuggling close in the living room and sharing time with my family around that fire.


I’m linking up with my friend Brenda over atGarden of Learning. She’s challenged me to be in a mindset of gratitude as we prepare for a celebration of Thanksgiving! Hop over and check out how others are preparing their hearts and minds!

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1 comment:

  1. We have a wood stove, and I know how great it is to have wood stacked by it when that cold weather hits! Sounds like a great thing to be thankful for this week. :)


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