Sunday, November 13, 2011

Typing Away with Keyboard Town PALS


Typing is a MUST-HAVE SKILL! WAY back in the day I won the Typing Award in High School.  I was a furiously fast typist back then and am not too shabby now.  I even TAUGHT typing to adults for a few years when I was first married.  I taught at Moore Career College and Typing was a required class for every student.  I was probably a mean teacher then {I used to cover the students hands with paper so they couldn't cheat and look down as they typed and I would turn the lights off for a portion of the lessons to help them learn the keyboard!} but these days I'm a pretty nice teacher.  At least that's what the Princess tells me!

IMG_1597[1]The Princess has been using a web-based program called Keyboard Town PALS to learn how to type CORRECTLY by making sure that she places her fingers in all the right places. Designed for children ages 6 - 12 (and perfect for special needs kids as well), Keyboard Town PALS uses puppets, songs and stories to teach the correct QWERTY hand placement.

By turning the keyboard into a virtual "town" complete with Homekey Street, Uptown and Downtown, the kid-friendly songs introduce children to fun characters  (see how cute they are in the picture below?) that teach finger placement.  With 8 lessons that take about an hour to complete, children can quickly learn to type.


Because my Princess has the attention span of a fly, we broke the lessons into two 30-minute sessions.  Once she completed the 8 lessons, she had the option of going back and repeating them to decrease errors and increase speed.  Here's her take on Keyboard Town PALS:

I have enjoyed typing with Keyboard Town PALS. It was fun and I have been trying really hard to keep my fingers on the right keys whenever I am on the computer working on school or playing my games.  It's a process to learn it, but once you get used to it you can do it in a snap.  I liked the stories and the puppets.  They were funny and helped me learn.  It's a game I will never forget.

Your child can Learn to Type in an Hour by purchasing either the web-based product ($30) or the CD Rom ($30) from Keyboard Town PALS HERE. These are both on sale right now AND are also available as a Bundle which includes a Concentration Game and Stickers for just a little extra.  There are also other products you may want to check out on the  Keyboard Town PALS website as well.  I thought the coloring book looked cute!


~~I was given the opportunity to use the web-based version of Keyboard Town PALS for 6 weeks as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of  Keyboard Town PALS HERE.~~

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