I'm thankful that I was able to
R E S T today and that my sweet children allowed it with no interruptions. I'm still sick and they have been such troopers. As soon as we completed today's schoolwork, the oldest two began folding and putting away laundry. My favorite son went off to work on his robot for LEGO League and the Princess played quietly in her room.
After I slept for a while, the Princess and I cuddled up in my bed and worked on her AWANA work for tomorrow night. Sharing GOD's WORD with my 10-year-old = PRICELESS!
I am blessed with sweet children who loved on their mama today!

I’m linking up with my friend Brenda over at
Garden of Learning. She’s challenged me to be in a mindset of gratitude as we prepare for a celebration of Thanksgiving! Hop over and check out how others are preparing their hearts and minds!
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