I guess I should start with "Where has this been all of my life?" -- at least that's what the Senior said when I opened the box and handed over our latest review item to her. I know it's getting a late start, but she is ready for the prep work that goes into SAT and ACT tests and she has voraciously dug into this study guide. AND SHE LIKES IT!
Here are her exact words about College Prep Genius SAT Class:
This is a VERY INSTRUCTIVE curriculum! It is easy to understand and the hints and tips have been extremely helpful. I am thoroughly enjoying this class. You can apply the methods taught to just about any test. It teaches you to think objectively and organize your thoughts to solve problems efficiently.
As a mom, I have to say that those are pretty impressive words of praise. There have been many days when I've had to make her stop working through the College Prep Genius workbook and get back to those old boring subjects of Anatomy & Physiology, Math and Literature.
{Note from mom: I really want to insert a cute little picture here with my Senior and all of the College Prep Genius study materials, but she says she's not "cute" right now. SO, I will have to get that picture another day -- but I can't wait for you to see all of the materials she's been using!}
So, what is the College Prep Genius SAT Class? It's a 4-disc DVD program that covers the "ins and outs of the SAT and PSAT." We've been using the Second Edition (the program itself has been used by students to help improve their scores for over a decade!) and although the Senior has not taken any formal college tests, she says this is getting her brain"wrapped around it and showing her what to expect." Where she has been petrified of even the idea of taking the college entrance exams, she's now feeling pretty confident that she can handle it. That's exactly what I wanted to hear!
Created by a homeschooling mom of two, Jean Burk designed College Prep Genius to help both of her children score high enough on the SAT test to get a FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP to college. WOW! Now who wouldn't want THAT for their own children?
Here's how it is working at our house: When we received our package, I skimmed the first section of the book (How to Use This Book) and promptly handed it over to my Senior. She has devoured all 325-pages of the College Prep Genius Textbook, has worked through the 77-page Workbook of problems designed to emulate the actual SAT test and has been watching the 12 Lessons on the DVDs. She was quick to go online and sign up for the College Board and she spent quite a bit of time setting up her 3-ring binder as instructed in College Prep Genius {just like her mom, she loves a great notebook!} I really, really like that I was able to hand this one off and not beg for it to be used. My Senior doesn't need me looking over her shoulder and she is learning quite a bit in the way of test-taking techniques and problem-solving skills. It has been a great way to encourage independence because the rewards are all hers for the taking. College Prep Genius really is the no-brainer way to SAT Success!

You can order your books HERE. You can purchase the books individually -- College Prep Genius Second Edition Textbook ($49.95), College Prep Genius Second Edition Workbook ($19.95) and the College Prep Genius Second Edition DVD set ($59.95) -- OR you can purchase the entire package for only $99.00. That's a 25% discount and I recommend that you go on and get it all. My Senior is enjoying using it all together for the greatest benefit. One of the things that impresses me most is that there is a 100% money-back guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely sold on the College Prep Genius Package, you can return your purchase withing 30 days and receive all of your money back. And if you have any questions, the friendly service department will gladly answer them for you.

~~I was given the opportunity to use College Prep Genius SAT Class as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of College Prep Genius HERE.~~
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