One of the biggest regrets I have about my entire educational career is that I never {EVER} took a foreign language. Way back in the day when I was in high school and college, it simply wasn't required for my major. I took plenty of science and math, but no foreign language. I did try to take sign language my Senior year in college, but I must confess that I was intimidated right into dropping that class -- the professor spoke and signed the first day, spoke little and signed much the second day, and spoke NONE and signed everything the third day.
A few years ago, before our first mission trip to Guatemala, the MainMost and I took a basic Spanish class at a local community college. It was a "quickie" course that met only once a week for six weeks, and as you can imagine, I didn't learn very much Spanish. I just didn't "get" it. As a result of my failures in this area, I've determined to offer my children opportunities to learn as many foreign languages as possible. Our latest is Latin -- YES!, Latin . . . you read that correctly!
My Sophomore daughter loves languages and she seems to have an ear for them. (She can both roll her R in Spanish and make the guttural R in French.) She also has a way of "teaching" what she's learned that is simply phenomenal. Just this week I was reading aloud to the the two youngest McBlessings -- one of our favorite parts of school. We are studying through Roman history right now and from the kitchen table the Sophomore piped up. "That's a Latin word. It means . . ." She went on to explain the word to her siblings as they listened spellbound and she even brought up examples of where they might see the word today. They were awestruck and I was impressed.
Visual Latin is a video-based curriculum (you can purchase DVDs or download digitally) that we've been using to learn Latin -- and as the tagline proclaims, there's been a lot of laughter involved. What better way to learn a new language than through the gift of fun? We received the digital download and it has been a great fit for our technologically-savvy family. Through the computer, iPhones and iPad, each child has been able to use Visual Latin at their convenience to best suit their schooling schedule. After watching a short (approximately 8 minutes each) lesson, they've been able to easily complete the accompanying worksheet (PDF file printed by me) and move on to the next lesson at their own pace. I like that they can each study at their own pace -- and I really like that Visual Latin is so well-done they need very little input from me. {Remember my foreign language failure?}
BUT to be honest, Visual Latin may just be PERFECT for ME to learn as well! Finally a language I can be SUCCESSFUL learning!

Designed by two homeschooling dads, Visual Latin was developed with students ages 9 and up in mind but the only real prerequisite is that students be able to read. Each lesson is broken down into three parts:
A) Grammar
B) Sentence Structure
C) Translation -- actually READING Latin!
and each part of the lesson has a corresponding video taught by dad Dwane Thomas, funny man extraordinaire. After the students successfully complete the worksheet for each video, they are ready to move onto the next lesson segment -- and don't worry, the answers are included! You can see the entire Scope and Sequence for the complete Latin 1 & 2 courses (they are currently working on finishing up Latin 2).
Do you think you're family would enjoy learning Latin? Why don't you visit the Visual Latin website and watch the first 6 Lessons for FREE? You can also find out a little more about how Visual Latin works by watching a short video HERE. After you've spent some time with the FREE lessons, I'm SURE you're going to want to go even further in your studies of Latin. You can purchase Visual Latin lessons in a multitude of ways HERE. They've made it very easy to fit your budget and homeschooling style! The entire 30-lesson DVD series is only $80 or if you'd prefer, you can purchase the lessons in groups of 10 for $30. ~OR~ If you're family is like mine and would enjoy viewing the lessons on their computer, iPhone or iPod, you can download the lessons in groups of 10 for just $25. You'll be glad you did -- and who knows, your children may start teaching their siblings and leaving your entire family impressed! If you order THIS WEEK, you can use the coupon code OCT$10 and receive $10 off of any Visual Latin product. ACT FAST! This coupon code is only good until Friday, October 21.
For even more information, check out Visual Latin on FaceBook.
While you're on the Visual Latin website, make sure to also check out the Modern Parables series. I used it for a Bible Study with my Middle School Ministry last year and we loved it! Good stuff! I'm waiting patiently for the next series.

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review the first ten lessons of Visual Latin as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Visual Latin HERE.~~
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I really enjoyed your review. also love the bluebird theme, I wanted to use it but couldn't get it to work for me :(