I first heard about e-Mealz from another mom at soccer practice. She was dropping her girls off for practice and heading to the grocery store with a list in hand. I asked her what "plan" she was using and she raved about how easy e-Mealz had helped make her life. I wondered if it would be be helpful with the implementation of my BEST IDEA EVER. (<<< You can click on those bright words to find out for yourself!) Needless to say, I was excited when I was chosen to review e-Mealz for the Crew. Isn't it neat how GOD always works things out? What started out as a simple soccer mom conversation turned into GOD blessing us with a chance to check out e-Mealz for ourselves.

At my house, dinner time has lately become the roughest part of the day. We've always been busy but the past year has just been super-busy. Ours is a crazy-busy-full-of-activities schedule -- with four children needing to be in four different places all at the same time, life can just get so hectic. Last Spring we ended up at the ballpark four nights a week (with practices overlapping ballgames and taking up the other nights of the week as well). What started out as a joking "Dinner at the Diamond" comment had become our life. It was costing a fortune and was super unhealthy. I knew it was time to make a change and get control over our family dinner time once again because our family communication was suffering as well. It was definitely time for a mealtime makeover!
Enter e-Mealz. Endorsed by Dave Ramsey and really something I would consider a ministry to busy families, e-Mealz allows you to choose from over 25 menu plans. You are able to pick a meal plan that will best meet the needs of your individual family and choose which grocery store you prefer to shop. Each week you are given a new plan for seven family dinners -- complete with menu, recipes, shopping list and price breakdown of what it should cost to buy the groceries for the week. All of the work has been done for you and the meals are easy to prepare and taste delicious. Meals are planned around the sales at the store you choose and the shopping list is arranged in easy-to-locate sections. (There's even a plan for a "SPECIAL" family dinner when you have something that needs to be celebrated -- maybe it's a birthday, an anniversary, good grades, a home run or just a super-Kid night.)
Mine is a family of 6 and we live only a "stone's throw" from Wal-Mart. We have no dietary restrictions. Although there are other grocery stores in our town, I chose the Wal-Mart Family Meal Plan for us and we have enjoyed it. There has been plenty of food for our supper each night and sometimes even leftovers for our lunch the next day. For the most part, we're not picky eaters but even if we were we've found the menu plans to be pleasing to all. All of the meals are "normal" foods and the recipes are simple enough to understand and follow that my children have been able continue their weekly cooking nights with no problems.
e-Mealz has been a blessing to my family in more ways than one. We're eating healthier, spending less money on fast food and enjoying more quality time because mealtime is planned out in advance. As easy as 1 - 2 - 3, e-Mealz is a great benefit to our family and I recommend you try it for yours.

Sign up today and you can rest easy knowing that the hard work is done for you. You can see How It Works here and choose which meal plan will work best for your family. At only $5 per month (billed in 3-month increments), e-Mealz will bring your family back around the dinner table together to healthy, home-cooked meals with an ease of preparation you will love. Let the family bonding begin again!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review e-Mealz for three months as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of e-Mealz HERE.~~
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