Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yesterday's Classics are Reading Treasures


If you know me at all, you know I'm a reader and one of my main goals this school year has been to foster a love of reading in ALL of the McBlessings.  We have shelves and shelves of books of all different genres -- and shelves and shelves of curriculum, too!  I am constantly on the lookout for books that each of the children will enjoy -- and that meet the standards we have set for our family.

I especially love to find classic literature that grabs the attention of my children and fits right in with what we are currently studying.  Yesterday's Classics meets my needs and expectations in many ways!  With over 200 books in a wide variety of topics to choose from, there really is something here for everything.  You can download a FREE sample file HERE and see for yourself how beautiful these books are.  You can also see the huge selection of titles available on the subjects of World History, Children of the World, Nature, Ancient Greece, Fables, Ancient Rome, Fairy Tales, Britain, Shakespeare, Kindergarten Readers, Faith, Early Civilizations, Middle Ages, Legends, Renaissance and Exploration, Science, American History, Literature, Biographies, and even Christmas Stories and School Readers.

Yesterday's Classics republishes "classic books for children from the golden age of children's literature, the era from 1880 to 1920" so that our "children can enjoy these books that delighted generations of children at the beginning of the twentieth century." You can order individual books in both print and digital format.  Digitally, Yesterday's Classics can be purchased for Kindle or as EPUB files.  I don't have a Kindle (I know, I know!  the MainMost keeps telling me I'd LOVE one!) and typically I like to hold a book in my hands, BUT the EPUB files I received for review worked beautifully!  Not only did I enjoy reading the books, but my children enjoyed them as well.  We were thrilled with the stories of Ancient Greece that were great supplements to our daily studies.  The All-Boy especially LOVED the books on Greek Heroes and Gods and Heroes.

My high school daughters were able to use several of the titles on Britain and Shakespeare in their British Literature studies and the Birds of the Air book helped the Princess identify the eggs in bird's nest we found in our front hedge.  All of the children thought reading off of my computer was "way cool."  I thought the super-easy download and setup was "way cool!"  There are so many quality books included in the Yesterday's Classics bundle, I know you will find many ways to use them in your homeschool!

You can place your order by phone, fax, email, mail or online.  Right now, there is a SUPER SPECIAL deal available.  You can order ALL 225 books in Kindle or EPUB format for ONLY $99.95. That's a great bargain and will give your family quality reading material and hours of educational fun.  You can foster a love of reading in your entire family and encourage them to treasure the classics -- family friendly Yesterday's Classics!



~~I was given the opportunity to use and review Yesterday's Classics as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of  Yesterday's Classics HERE.~~ Pin It Now!

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