Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good Nutrition for LIFE!



This book couldn't have come into our home at a better time!  The MainMost and I had just been discussing that we needed to improve our health and encourage our children to do the same when we were given the opportunity to use and review the family nutrition and health program Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! published by Growing Healthy Homes.


Written by a team of four mothers (check out their credentials HERE),  Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! is SO MUCH MORE than "just" a nutrition book and can be used in many different ways in your home and homeschool.  It is a program designed for positive, effective, LONG-TERM, healthy, lifestyle changes created to "assist families, especially those with children, to understand the real relationship food has on our "fearfully and wonderfully" made bodies, as referenced in Psalm 139:14.

The High School Daughters are currently working on a required Health Credit and we found it quite easy to incorporate Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! into their current studies -- and actually found so much great information and so many neat activities that we decided to let the entire program stand alone as a Nutrition Credit as well.  Isn't it neat how GOD's timing is ALWAYS perfect?

A beautiful 448-page book, Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! presents an in-depth study of the 12 main body systems and covers them in six units (see below).  The six units are broken down into 4 chapters each and include information about the different body systems, activities, recipes and discussion questions.  You can look through a sample of the book here and get a feel for just how wonderful it is.

Unit One:  The Brain and Nervous System

Unit Two:  The Digestion System

Unit Three:  The Respiratory, Olfactory, Auditory and Visual Systems

Unit Four:  The Muscular and Skeletal Systems

Unit Five:  The Cardiovascular and Immune Systems and

Unit Six:  The Endocrine System and Emotions

As perfect of a fit as this was for the High School daughters, the 4th and 6th graders have enjoyed studying the Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! program as well.  It fit right in with their Anatomy and Physiology Science this year -- and they have loved trying the new power food recipes in each chapter.

I have especially enjoyed that this was a curriculum we could all sit down TOGETHER to do -- and that we could all learn to appreciate good health as a family. We've spent time reading through the information found in each chapter together, then divided up to work on the age-appropriate activities.  While that was enough for the younger two, the High School Daughters have then taken the time to add chapter notes to their nutrition notebooks.  We've also printed out all of the recipes and added these to their notebooks as well. These notebooks will be great resources to take with them once they move to college and later into families of their own.

As a result of our studies so far, my family has begun watching their food choices more carefully and we are beginning to take better care of ourselves as a team -- watching how we treat our bodies and holding each other accountable to being wise stewards of the bodies GOD has gifted us with.  I think that's a pretty strong compliment and I am pleased to recommend Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! published by Growing Healthy Homes to you.

Enough information to be used in your home school for easily a full year's study and in your home for many, many years to come, Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! is available in three formats: 1.  the e-product (CD-ROM); 2.  a full-color, professionally printed hard copy; and 3.  in a combination of the two.  The CD-ROM and book contain the same information, so the value of having both is the flexibility to use the e-product to reprint individual copies of the recipes, shopping lists, charts and any other relevant pages and still have a bound book to enjoy.  I received the electronic version for my family to use and review (available for $79.95), but if you prefer a hardcover book, it is available for $99.95.  OR you can choose a combination of both the CD-ROM and hardcover book for $129.95 if you prefer to have a copy to hold and the ability to print all of the wonderful activities, shopping lists, charts and recipes.  I am very pleased to also be able offer you a 15% discount coupon.  Just enter the coupon code  TOScrew11 when you check out.

For even MORE information about Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! check out tomorrow's FREE webinar with Sera Johnson (She's one of the moms who wrote this book!).   It will be hosted by The Old Schoolhouse from 3:00 - 4:30 CDT.   Don't miss this great opportunity to  hear the heart of an author and understand the mandated mission behind the book!


~~I was given the opportunity to use and review  Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! published by Growing Healthy Homes as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Nutrition 101:  Choose Life! HERE .~~

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1 comment:

  1. will smith son...

    [...]a central factor of passe-temps stroke, physiotherapy, osteotherapy, anxiety leadership and relaxation therapy.[...]...


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