Did you know that 60% of the words in our English language are derived from the Latin language? It's true -- and 90% of those words with two or more syllable are derived from the Latin language, as well. Knowing that the majority of our words come from Latin it stands to reason that if we want our children to better grasp grammar, vocabulary and literature, then we ought to teach them Latin. We can even use the language to unlock many of the mysteries of history. By studying the Latin language, our children can delve deeply into the Roman and Greek cultures that so influence our daily lives -- from literature and art to government and politics. The benefits that the study of Latin bring to our homeschool are tremendous.
Latin Alive! Book 1 is designed for students in 7th - 12th grades, but my 4th and 6th graders have enjoyed sitting in while the 9th and 11th graders watched the DVDs. There are 29 Latin Language Chapters and 7 Reading for Review Chapters. Each one has a corresponding DVD lesson that lasts about 30 minutes each. Because none of us have ever studied any type of Latin, we chose to take the course slowly -- spending ample time watching the DVDs, studying the chapters, doing all of the activities and exercises included with each chapter.
Karen Moore is an excellent classroom instructor and keeps my children (and me!) interested in what she is teaching. My girls have enjoyed watching the DVD lessons and have had no problems completing the assigned work included. Since we had NO prior Latin knowledge, it was great to see that Chapter 1 begins with the basics of the Alphabet and Pronunciation. After students master that, they progress to all five noun declensions and cases, all verb conjugations, irregular verbs, various pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. Historical and Latin Readings are also included with each chapter and students learn to READ and TRANSLATE Latin texts.
The Teacher's Edition of Latin Alive! includes tests, worksheets, an archaeological project and a really neat "Latin Across America" project. The Reference Pages in the back of both the Teacher's Edition and Student Textbook contain extensive vocabulary lists laid out by chapter and in alphabetical order. With the Latin Alive! Book 1 bundle, you get everything you need to teach your student a full year of Latin -- equivalent to a Latin I course in a traditional school setting. You can begin your study as soon as you open the box!
The first in a three-part series, Latin Alive! Book 1 introduces the beautiful Latin language to students and encourages them to keep learning. Students are taught the relevance of Latin through stories from history and literature and are shown the influence that Latin has on our daily lives. Our entire family has benefited from the Latin lessons thus far and we plan to complete the series.
Here's what the Freshman had to say: I absolutely love the Latin Alive! Program. I like the fact that it proves that the Latin language hasn’t died off completely and isn’t useless to know. Latin is an old language that I believe everyone should have some knowledge of. Did you know that we still use the Latin language on a daily basis here in the United States? Latin is used on common things like the dollar bill everyday. My friends keep saying “You're learning a language that isn’t used." I can easily tell them that it IS used -- and I can show them the proof by looking at money and even showing them the state seal and motto. Our state motto gives an example of this. In Mississippi, the state motto is “Virtute et armis” which is LATIN. The English translation is "By courage and arms". I am happy to tell my friends that the Latin language hasn’t died and I can’t wait to learn more about this so-called dead language. :)
I have enjoyed my Latin class and I think that it is well worth my time. It's been a great experience and the video instructor has given me a greater view of Latin and the world. She uses great stories that help bring history alive in her teaching. I really wanted to study Latin and was excited when mom was asked to review the Latin Alive! curriculum. For now I say “Vale” which means Goodbye.
If you're looking for classical subjects creatively taught, I recommend that you check out Classical Academic Press. The Latin Alive! Book 1 bundle (which includes the Latin Alive! Book One student text, the Latin Alive! Book One: Teacher's Materials, and the Latin Alive! 1 DVD & CD Set) can be purchased for $139.95 and is available HERE.

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review Latin Alive! Book 1 by Classical Academic Press as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I encourage you to check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Latin Alive! Book 1 HERE .~~ Pin It Now!
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