Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Pretty

Right before midnight there was a light smattering of SNOW here--and it was simply beautiful!  We bundled up and went outside to let it fall on us.  And we dreamed.

Snow is not something we actually see a lot of, but when we do we take time to enjoy what GOD shares with us.  It was such a fine mist of snow.  The smallest I've ever seen--with the neatest texture.  COLD and lovely.

This morning there was still a light covering over everything.  AND no matter what it is, it is beautiful covered in snow.  I am reminded that my JESUS covered me and made me beautiful to my DADDY--and that my sins are covered as white as snow.  Isn't that a wonderful picture of LOVE? Pin It Now!


  1. That IS a wonderful picture of God!! Love it...and since we have a lot of snow I will be sure to remember that. :) Holly

  2. Beautiful picture with words!
    The snow was all around us, but not here.

  3. Wonderful picture with words. We don't see much around here either but sure have seen it this year. Stopping by on the Blog Walk to say hi!

  4. Beautiful word picture. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Snow is so beautiful.. especially if you don't have to drive in it. I live in a state that gets a lot in the winter up here in MT and sometimes we get grumpy about how it interferes with this or that.. It's nice to just look at it as a gift from God and enjoy it's beauty... Stopping by from the TOS Blog Walk..

  6. Beautiful post! We had a light snow fall last night. Iwould love to get about a foot of snow :-)
    Visiting from TOS Blog Walk

  7. Thank you for such a lovely post. I am not sure we will get much more snow this winter, but I will certainly think of your post when I see it.
    I am from the TOS Crew and am now following you. Please follow me and if you already are thank you! Have a wonderful week. :)


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