Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are you a Virtual Nerd?

Don't you just love it when "Ah-Ha" moments occur with your children?  We had just such a moment when we began using a new tool at Long Leaf Academy--and it was in MATH!  Even better!

"Ugh--video?  I hate video!"  That's the way the oldest McBlessing began her work on Virtual Nerd.  But once she sat down and started the video tutorials on-line, she watched five videos in a row.  "I was wrong, Mom.  This is pretty cool."  The algebraic function she had been struggling through finally made sense and she felt great pride in finishing her assigned work AND moving onto the next topic.

So exactly what is Virtual Nerd?  Virtual Nerd is an on-line math and science tutorial that currently offers hundreds of videos in Pre-Algebra,  Algebra 1Algebra 2, and Intro to Physics with plans to offer Pre-Calculus and Chemistry video tutorials in the very near future.  There are literally hundreds of videos available to watch and study and your student can do an easy search to find exactly what they want to learn or what topic they might need clarification in.  As an interactive private tutor, Virtual Nerd is ready whenever your student needs help.  "Open" 24/7, as long as you can connect to the internet,  your private tutor is ready to help you learn whenever and wherever you are!

Watching the light bulbs come on and seeing the delight on my daughter's face was wonderful.  She moved into the next part of her lessons with added confidence and a new understanding of the dreaded math.

Virtual Nerd is available to purchase for one day ($5), one week ($19), one month ($49) or three months ($129) at a time.    You can sign up online and buy it HERE.  Professional educators can sign up for free and anyone can sign up for a FREE two-hour trial to check it out and see how it will work for them.

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review Virtual Nerd as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of Virtual Nerd HERE .~~ Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. As a supporter of Virtual Nerd, we wanted you to know about our Math Boot Camp. To help students avoid the "summer slide", we are offering boot camps in: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II. The five-week camps cost only $19! A pre-quiz will assess student's knowledge, and weekly playlists will be assigned to help them attain a better understanding of the subject and build upon concept knowledge. Finally we wrap up with a quiz that assesses how far they have come! We hope you will share the good news. Get started today!


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