Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Mom's Technological Helper

lanschool_logo.png picture by homeschoolcrew

Some days school can simply be overwhelming with four students studying four different grade levels of subjects.   It's great to know there are helpers available to me as Mom and teacher.  LanSchool is a wonderful product to help me live up to Proverbs 31:27 directive:

She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
and keeps them all busy and productive.

A powerful tool if you have more than one computer you want to monitor, LanSchool is a great resource to help keep young minds on focus.  No doubt the temptations to loaf at the digital water fountain are more than most youngsters can resist at times, but the ability to keep track of what is going on and redirect those efforts is made easy with this tool.

LanSchool allows a teacher to not only monitor activity on each terminal, but it also allows the teacher to share her desktop as a teaching tool.  It makes it easy to set each desktop to a particular application or even direct everyone to a common website.  And in those moments when you need the absolute attention of your students, you can lock the screens or only allow one particular application to run.  Whenever you need to showcase the work of one of your children, you can broadcast his/her screen to everyone else in the "class."

In our home, we run four desktop computers in a virtual environment. Each of the McBlessings has their own workstation and I use a laptop.   While it is possible to make LanSchool work in virtual environments, it tends to work best when each student has their own workstation.  Installation is simple.  There is one part to install on the teacher's workstation and a client part to install on the student workstations.  My sweet MainMost took care of the installation for Long Leaf Academy--and it took him only a few minutes.

If you are looking for a way to manage multiple computers within your homeschool environment, this software is a great tool to have.  My sweet MainMost is a network administrator at a local community college and they use this product in several of their labs.  The instructors at his community college love what the software can do for classroom management in a computer lab--and I love what it offered us in our homeschool environment.  It makes the school day much easier for me when I can remote in and help each child individually.  I also enjoyed knowing I could easily track online website visits made by each child and chat with them within their school subjects.   You can take a video tour of all that LanSchool has to offer you and see how it would benefit your homeschool environment.

One of the best testimonials came from the McBlessings themselves. Here's what they said: "LanSchool kept us on track knowing mom could be 'creeping' us at any time.  And we liked not having to yell across the room what we wanted for lunch.  It was fun taking the easy access polls Mom sent to us and cool when she made our screens go black just so she could tell us she loves us."  Perfect for a Mom who wants to "keep an eye on everyone in her household, and keep them all busy and productive."

A subscription to LanSchool for use in your homeschool will cost $99. The LanSchool Home Version is a perpetual license, and includes 3 years of updates and support.  For homeschool environments that need to monitor up to 10 computers, the license cost is  $299.  LanSchool Home Version provides the same features as LanSchool to help parents to monitor and protect their family--and have a little fun together, too!

~~I was given the opportunity to use and review LanSchool by LanSchool Technologies.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew thought of LanSchool here.~~ Pin It Now!


  1. I enjoyed your review, am hoping to pick this up for our homeschool!

  2. Thanks! It was a great product and we were blessed to be able to review it. I highly recommend it!


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