Thursday, August 30, 2018

Homeschool Review: Apologia's Health and Nutrition #hsreviews #apologiascience #homeschool #HighSchoolHealth #HealthandNutrition

You know that feeling when the absolute perfect curriculum comes your way and your child lights up every.single.time she sits down to work through it?  THAT is exactly what has happened at our house with the arrival of Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition by Dr. Laura Chase from Apologia Educational Ministries.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much my girl loves this set and how much she is learning.  When a science curriculum opens up daily conversations and "hey, mom, listen to this," you know you've found exactly what you have always wanted.  THIS is what homeschooling is all about in my book -- delight-directed learning that meets a need.  And when it is a required need, that's even better.

Apologia Exploring Health and Nutrition

We received the Health and Nutrition Basic Set which consists of a hardcover Textbook (441-pages) and a spiral-bound Student Notebok (366-pages).  The Student Notebook is an essential part of this program and you will want one copy for each of your students.  It offers space for notetaking as you read the modules in your textbook (there are 15 modules) and contains all of the information needed to complete the research projects throughout the curriculum.  It also has the Study Guides for each module test (answers are found in the Book Extras online) and the tests themselves.  [You can download FAQs, a Textbook and Notebook sample, and the Table of Contents for both by visiting the website linked, and I encourage you to do so.  You are going to LOVE what you see.  I cannot recommend this curriculum highly enough.]

Written in a conversational tone directly to students, Health and Nutrition is perfect for my independent learner.  It is so hard for me to believe that my "baby" is a Senior, but I do appreciate that she can easily navigate through the curriculum on her own as she works to master the concepts presented.  The Suggested Daily Schedule made it easy for her to open the book and begin as soon as it arrived at our house.  It tells her exactly what to do each day and gives her ownership over the course.  There have already been tons of little "ah-ha" moments for her as she grasps a new understanding for WHY good health matters and how your physical well-being influences your mental health and stability.  As a direct result of studying Health and Nutrition, my girl is consciously making better choices for herself.  She has already implemented a more balanced diet plan AND has been the driving force behind our getting up early and heading to the gym each mornig to swim laps.

What I am happiest about though is that her study does not stop with the required reading from the textbook.  Instead, the book piques her interest and has her searching for more information and answers in indepedent research.  We are nearing the one-year mark of a very scary time when she suffered a migraine headache that led to a rather frightening seizure.  After a transfer via ambulance from our local hospital to a larger, teaching hospital in a bigger city and three days of in-house testing that produced vague results, we came home with little information and a new specialist.  For almost a year now, she has been afraid of a repeat and has guarded herself from social situations just in case.  She was excited to tell me that Module 2 had an entire section dedicated to the brain and seizure activity and she poured over it extensively.  She learned some new information about the origination of seizures and that they could be of all sizes -- not just the grand mal that she experienced.  That led her to further research and a better understanding of the process of a seizure and how to know if she's having another one.  What she doesn't know is that I have noticed a visible relaxation of the worry that was stealing the joy of my baby.  If that's not a win, then I don't know what is.

Because of the in-depth nature of the material in this curriculum, we have chosen to use this as a two-semester course.  That means my daughter sits down with Health and Nutrition three times a week.  She adds each set of readings and activities to her school planner and checks off as she finishes.  It is very hands-off for me, but she was hooked from the very beginning when she was asked to do a research project based on nature versus nurture.  Because of their Mississippi ties, she chose to examine the family line of Archie Manning's sons Cooper, Peyton, and Eli.  She concluded that though both nature and nurture are very important, the nurture of Archie and Olivia Manning has made the three boys successfull in all aspects of their lives.  It is her belief that nurture is what helps define success.  As for me and my house . . .

Honestly, Health and Nutrition touches on a LOT of topics that could really be considered a Psychology credit-- physical influences on thoughts and feelings. mental and emotional stability, interpersonal harmony (with great discussion of birth order and what that means for you), treasuring your senses and looking at how GOD created you to serve HIM.  It also shares career possibilities at the end of each module which is perfect for a high school senior exploring career options.  It discusses ALL of that BEFORE it ever gets to the "food science" of nutrition.

Learning about Eye Dominance

My daughter was delighted to learn that she has a Phlegmatic/Melancholic temperament and she says that the information she learned through that testing has helped her to better understand herself, her friends, and how they react and respond to one another.  She truly enjoys sitting down with Health and Nutrition each day and I often find her perusing through on the days that would normally be considered her "off" days.  In my opinion, Apologia has done everything right with this curriculum and I can't wait to see how much she learns when she reaches the later modules on micronutrients and macronutrients and delves into the physicality of health.  She has already made so many changes based on what she's learning and I'm looking forward to watching her continue finding her very best self in the months ahead.  I like that she will be offering accountability in her exercise routine and that she will be learning how to ward off illness, but I most appreciate that Health and Nutrition teaches her how to be joyful and content through JESUS.   Even more, I know that I can trust the discussion of sex (Module 15) as it relates to overall health and explains that the act of reproduction is a special gift from GOD to be treasured by married adults.  Although we have discussed this in great detail in our home, I like knowing that my daughter's heart is being treated with great respect as she learns.

In addition to all of this goodness, there is a 21-page supplemental pdf called Whole-Health:  GOD's Design for Your Body, Mind, and Soul that I printed and put in a binder for my daughter to utilize.   It is a neat book that enhances her learning experience and is truly the lagniappe of health.  The sections titled Who Are You? and What Is Whole Health? are complementary to the Health and Nutrition text.  Additional articles are Understanding Influences in Daily Life and In the Image of GOD.  They are great resources for any teenager as they wade through the issues of self-esteeem and try to find their place in this world.   There is also an interview with Dr. Laura Chase (the author of Health and Nutrition) included, as well as activity pages to heighten learning, snack recipes to make, taste, share and enjoy, and a word search to strengthen your knowledge of vocabulary words from the book.

Apologia has long been one of our family favorites -- from science curriculum to personal encouragement and devotions for momApologia has you covered.  If you've been a part of the Apologia family, then I'm sure you are familiar with the Book Extras that are available for each of their textbooks.  My girl says they add such value to the Health and Nutrition curriculum and that every student will want to take advantage of them.  She likes that it is "one touch away" and she can check her answers on the Study Guide before she takes her tests.  


You can connect with Apologia and find out how they can best serve your family through the following Social Media links:

I was given the opportunity to review Health and Nutrition Basic Set from Apologia Educational Ministries as a member of the Homeschool Review Crew.   You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought of this high school science.

Health and Nutrition Basic Set {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}
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