Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Schoolhouse Review: Heirloom Audio Productions' Under Drake'sFlag #hsreviews

The benefits of a mother's heartfelt prayer over her children . . .
Learning to live life to the fullest by following GOD's directives . . .
The importance of FAITH in everyday life . . .

These are the values discussed and the lessons learned that pierced our hearts as we listened together to Heirloom Audio Productions' Christian audio drama and adventure story-come-to-life Under Drake's Flag  ($29.95).  Adapted from G.A.Henty's book of the same title, Under Drake's Flag offers two full hours of faith-based adventure that is perfect for ages 6 - adult.  We have always enjoyed radio theatre and audio drama and have listened to quite a few books and tales through the years.  Under Drake's Flag is of the highest quality and was a wonderful addition to our library.   Listening to it together made for an easy transition for my 8th and 10 graders from summer vacation to school and we enjoyed the time spent hearing the stories of Ned Hawkshaw and his friend, Gerald, as they sailed the high seas with Sir Francis Drake,  The realistic sound effects put the listener right in the center of the action.  Not only do you hear about life on the high seas, but you also become a part of the story itself.  What a fun way to bring history to life.

My children enjoy travelling through time and seeing (hearing) history play out first-hand.  From the very first moments of listening to the CD, we felt as if we had known Ned all of our lives.  We could understand the fear his mother felt in letting him take off on his journey to manhood and we could feel his pride when gifted with his father's two-edged dagger.  As he encountered trials, we stood alongside him.  Through persecution and triumph, we were there -- sharing tears of disappointment and cheers of elation.

Analytical Grammar Review
Under Drake's Flag consists of two audio CDs, a pocket (abridged) Study Guide, and the eloquent prayer of Sir Francis Drake printed inside the CD case.  Using the enclosed Study Guide, you can easily turn this audio adventure into a full learning experience.  The CD is divided into chapters and each chapter has a corresponding section in the Study Guide that consists of three parts.  There are questions to make sure students are "Listening Well," questions designed to have students "Thinking Further," and a section of "Defining Words" which includes vocabulary words from the chapter.  The Study Guide ends with three Bible study sessions on Godly Character, True Manhood, and Confessing CHRIST.  We have incorporated these Bible studies into our daily school as a follow up to our listening time.  Additionally, there is a 15-page PDF download available once you purchase the CD set.  This Study Guide offers more comprehension questions for each chapter on the CD, hands-on learning activities such as map searches and ship size comparisons, and more vocabulary words to master.  There are even resources shared so that your students can do a more comprehensive study of Sir Francis Drake.

I must admit that tears streamed down my face at the end of the CD when Sir Francis Drake's prayer was shared.  What a testimony.  His prayer has become my prayer and I have adapted it so that I remember:

Disturb me, LORD, when I am too pleased with myself
When my dreams have come true
Because I have dreamed too little,
When I arrived safely
Because I sailed too close to the shore.  
Disturb me, LORD,
And don't let me lose my thirst for YOU.
Don't let me cease to dream of HEAVEN.
Push me forward, into the future, LORD.
In strength, courage, hope, and LOVE.

You'll want to make sure to connect with Under Drake's Flag through Facebook as there is some really neat stuff there.  And guess what?  The next audio drama is already in the works and will be released this fall.  You can preorder your copy of In Freedom's Cause, the story of William Wallace and King Robert the Bruce that reminds us true freedom is worth the fight.  The Sneak Preview was enough to let us know we definitely want to add it to our collection.  We are excited to know it will soon be ready and can't wait to listen along.  Join us as we Live the Adventure today and everyday.

Crew Disclaimer

I was given the opportunity to review Under Drake's Flag as a member of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew.   You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse ReviewCrew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)

Under Drake's Flag Reviews
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1 comment:

  1. I love your adaptation of Drake's Flag -- thanks for sharing!


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