At church, we're discussing the power of our words and that our words can build up or destroy one another. The Girl Scout SPEAK Up program goes hand-in-hand with our Bible study right now so I asked the two T.R.E.K.ker scouts to briefly share last night. (I gave them zero advance notice -- just called them right up during my large group lesson. I didn't want them to "overthink" what they'd say. I like spontaneity).
Their leaders will be proud to know the girls ROCKED it. They were able to share from their hearts exactly what the project has meant to them -- and what it has taught them about themselves. I was able to watch the faces of their peers as they listened intently. It was a good moment.
In T.R.E.K. we are learning that GOD always speaks LOVE and we are challenging middle schoolers to be encouragers. Isn't that something we should ALL work on? Let's build each other up and be careful not to destroy.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
SO proud of these two girls...sharing Jesus !