I don't know about you, but when I read through the current events on news websites, I am often overwhelmed with sadness. I don't really like the things of this world that surround my children as they grow up. It can be downright frightening to see the obstacles to sharing pure JOY in life that present themselves through items in the news. I am looking for something more, something DIFFERENT for my family -- and I have found just that through the pages of GOD's World News magazines.
It is imperative that we remember that this IS GOD's World. I want to make sure that we keep that in the very front of our minds, and that we filter all news through the fact that GOD is on the throne and in control. I DO NOT want my children to conform to this world and as I read through the articles presented on the GOD's World News website, I was filled with uneasiness -- but in a good way. I was humbled to be chosen to review Trak magazine for high school students so that I could share that same uneasiness with my children and make sure that I am shaping their worldview and perceptions correctly. It is so incredibly easy to conform to this world because we are inundated with sin. Reading about computer chips at school and yoga in the classroom completely upsets my spirit. I am raising the future and I want their hearts to be shaped like JESUS -- not the world. GOD's World News has proven to be a valuable resource for my family and I KNOW that it will be a valuable one for your family, as well.
With six different magazines for children ages Preschool - High School, GOD's World News has something for everyone. And if that's not enough, there's even a magazine for ADULTS called World. We've been reading the pages of both Trak and World magazines, and I really like what we're reading. Trak is 32-pages of current events shared from a biblical worldview written directly to high school students. I am currently sharing it with all three of my at-home children. From the 7th grade Princess to the 17-year-old Senior, all are interested in reading through the stories and sharing ideas together.
The annual subscription includes 10 issues for only $28. Articles in the October issue of Trak magazine cover a wide gamut of interests. My Senior found some great advice in the PrepTrak section which offers sage advice on Preparing for the Job Market -- While Starting College. My Boy Scout is especially enamored with an article about the development of jumping robots that are actually useful. Helping us re-think the way we look at the world, GOD's World News offers hope -- and that's a valuable commodity to me.
And that's not all. Your subscription to one of the GOD's World News magazines gives you access to the corresponding website. We found the GOD's World News Teen Website a wonderful resource and my children have enjoyed diving in for research. The bonus materials included more than double the value of the magazine subscription and the on-target relevance of each article makes for excellence. My Girl Scouts were excited to find Juliette Gordon Low included in the Live Culture section and my Senior printed out the biographical sketch to share with the Junior Girl Scout Troops she leads. Juliette's birthday is October 31 and it's a big day for Girl Scouts. How timely that GOD's World News included her here. Even better, the Girl Scout Law is compared to the Bible -- and that's relevant to us.
There's just so much great stuff here that fits right into what we're currently studying. We're right smack in the middle of the Civil War in history and the biographical article A Tale of Two Soldiers helped bring the War to life for us all as we read perspectives of both a Confederate and Union soldier. For our Robotics Team, we've been learning everything we can about tornadoes and hurricanes and King of the Winds was the perfect resource to aid in study and discovery. How fitting that the article ended with this timely reminder: Yet even the fiercest winds are no problem for the KING of the Winds. HE redeems all winds, all wars, all diseases for HIS own glorious purposes, which all things work toward. That's exactly what a biblical worldview is -- students can study the world through the filter of the eyes and ears of JESUS. That's perfect for our family. How about yours?

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I was given the opportunity to review Trak published by GOD's World News as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew thought of this and other products as well (or just click on the banner below.)

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