A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1
It's always a bittersweet moment for me when we say goodbye to the 8th Graders in Middle School Ministry. I love these kids and am so proud that I've had the opportunity to get to know them and watch them grow in their relationships with JESUS.
It's especially hard as the mom of one of them to watch my little boy growing up. But, that is exactly what I've prayed for over the years.
For our farewell, we have a bit of a "roast." This year, we had the 8th Graders share with the entire class some of their favorite activities and events and something that GOD has shown them through the years of Middle School Ministry. We shared some laughs and even a few tears and were blessed to hear their hearts.
Following their Words of Wisdom, each 8th Grader was given a white t-shirt and we spent time writing words of blessing on them. It was a neat time of ministry for all of our students and my prayer is that the 8th Graders will be able to see just how much they are loved and just how influential they have been to the 6th & 7th Graders behind them.
Once everyone had had a chance to write on the t-shirts, we opened the floor for 6th & 7th Graders and Core Group Leaders to talk one-on-one to the 8th Graders. The love that filled our building as kids shared from their hearts was PHENOMENAL. I am reminded how blessed I am to serve such a great group of young people.
At the conclusion of our night together, we invited all of the outgoing 8th Graders and all of the incoming 6th Graders to an ALOHA swimming party and cookout. We swam and laughed and ate and laughed and then sat down for a few moments to talk about making sure to STEP OUT OF THE BOAT and GET YOUR FEET WET like Peter. I pray that we will all keep our EYES on JESUS always.
The 8th Graders then shared their greatest piece of advice for maneuvering the waters of Middle School Ministry with the incoming 6th Graders and we opened up the floor to questions. It was a great time of bonding and welcome and a way to "pass the torch" as my 8th Graders head to High School Ministry.
Thanks for sharing your children with me and trusting us with their physical care and spiritual growth. I remain blessed. Simply Blessed.
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I am so blessed that I can be a part of this ministry. The 8th graders can in shy and left as leaders. I am so proud of them all !! Thanks for all you do Lynn !