Thursday, November 15, 2012

Schoolhouse Review: Vocal Coach

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.  Serve the LORD with gladness:  come before HIS presence with singing.                                          Psalm 100:1-2

My sweet Junior has been talking about her desire to lead in Worship quite a bit lately.  She is developing a renewed passion for music and wants some help in preparing her voice.  Private vocal lessons just won't fit into our lives right now, but we were thrilled to have the opportunity to review Vocal Coach Singer -- personal voice lessons that she could do at home that work around her schedule.  A "Proven Training for the Passionate Singer in You," The Vocal Coach provides students with professional teachers who are passionate about what they do.  Chris and Carole Beatty have worked with literally thousands of students for over 40 years and they have a desire to lead others to make a joyful noise.

At this point in the game, I'm all about things that I can hand off to her to work on and study by herself.  She is mature enough to handle that responsibility and to make a schedule work for her.  She is learning how to best schedule her classes and her time to make the biggest impact.  Now, mind you, I'm always available to help when needed, but I sure do appreciate curriculums that are organized in such a way that she can work through them at her convenience.  Vocal Coach Singer is that kind of program.  My Junior has been happily studying through the lessons on her own and has agreed to give you a first-hand view of how it's worked for her.

Here's what she had to say:

I took voice lessons a long time ago -- like 5th grade, maybe.  I’m now one year away from being a Senior in High School and a lot of things have changed, but there are some things that remain the same.  For instance, the fact remains that I love to sing.  Now,  I’m not always good at singing but I try my best.  Working through the lessons of Vocal Coach Singer has really hit some of those chords that I forgot from those voice lessons all those years ago -- and has even taught me something new along way.

Vocal Coach Singer lessons began with proper breathing techniques.  After listening to the introduction and progressing through the first few lessons, I remembered what my earlier voice teacher had taught me.  It was easy to move quickly through those first lessons since I knew what I was doing.  I was surprised that it all came back to me like it did.  

PhotobucketMy favorite lesson might have been the lesson on dialect and proper diction.  I like languages.  I also like dialects.  Actually, I drive my mom crazy sometimes speaking in different languages with different dialects.  Before Vocal Coach Singer, it had never occurred to me that the way I speak would translate over to the way I sing.  Now that it's been pointed out to me, I realize that's one of those obvious things that are often overlooked by singers.  That totally explains why sometimes when I try to sing some hit song I end up sounding like a good ol' southern belle -- instead of some powerful singer.  You've probably heard that saying that "you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl."  I think that's exactly what Vocal Coach Singer is helping me to do.  By being aware of the problems that dialect can cause, I am working to get the "country out of the girl."  I am also aware that I can't become a powerful singer overnight -- I've got to patiently build up my voice.  I'm working on that now.

Vocal Coach Singer is very interesting.  I like the way the lessons are presented  and how the vocal exercises are executed.  There is no monotone in the the voices of the teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Beatty.  They are pleasant to listen to and keep my attention as I sing.  That's always a plus, because who wants a boring teacher?  I definitely have not been bored as I sing and work through Vocal Coach Singer.  I have learned quite a bit -- and it's even brought back those things that I learned all that time ago way back in 5th grade.  In my opinion, this is a very good program.

Vocal Coach Singer offers a step-by-step, easy-to-use system for learning to sing and speak in a way that will bring glory and honor to GOD.  You can read right into the heart of the Beatty's with this statement from the website:  We are honored to be partnering with you as you embark on this journey to help train the singers and speakers of today and tomorrow.  We take this very seriously.  Our sincere goal is that you and those you teach will gain a new understanding and control of the most unique instrument GOD created:  the human voice.  Students using the complete Vocal Coach Singer package (7 training CDs, 4 workout CDs, Guidebook, printable Lead Sheets, singer's Journal, and Song Evaluation forms) will see improvement in their voices -- both singing and speaking -- and they'll have a new appreciation for the instrument GOD created within them.

Along with FREE singing resources to make your singing experience the very best possible, Vocal Coach offers several vocal products to bring out the your GOD-given gifts and talents and enhance your worship experience.  Because every homeschool family is unique, you can tailor voice lessons to best suit the needs of your family.  Vocal Coach offers Teaching Kids to Sing for students ages 5 - 6th grade and Vocal Coach Singer for students in 7th grade and up.  (It is great for adults, too.)  You can purchase the complete Vocal Coach Singer package for $99.99 as a downloadable resource or for $119.99 for physical CDs.  Either way, this is a super-reasonable price for private in-home voice lessons.  If your children (or you) are interested in improving what GOD has gifted you with, Vocal Coach has just what you are looking for.  You'll be making a joyful noise and coming before HIS presence with singing in no time at all.


~Disclaimer:  I was given the opportunity to use and review Vocal Coach as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  The opinions stated are mine and mine alone.  I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you.  I received a curriculum download in exchange for my honest review. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew thought  about Vocal Coach.~

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