Here are the questions that I am asking of myself and our ministry as we head into a new year:
- Are we fully equipping kids at NHBC?
- Are we in tune with the world around them?
- Are we providing a safe environment forlearning to LOVE JESUS with every ounce of who they are?
- Are we making sure to teach the basics of the Bible and helping them to hide GOD’s Word in their hearts?

Including a wealth of features that make kids hunger and thirst for GOD's Word, the Deep Blue Kids Bible is perfect for digging deep into Scripture. From the moment I opened my copy, I knew I had found a treasure. A wonderful hands-on resource, this Bible explains how to find its different books from the very beginning. The introductory pages describe how to hold it and where to open it to find your way around (1/2 way for Psalms, 3/4 way for Matthew). In a super easy-to-understand format, children learn that the Bible isn't just one big book but that it's a library of books including poetry, mystery, adventure and history.
As a Bible Drill leader, I know how important it is for students of all ages to know their way around the Bible. Kids can best own GOD's Word when they can find it and when they understand it. I especially like the detailed book introductions that give a "who's who" and "what's important" and "what words and places you should know" description of what you are about to read. The included notes throughout the Bible help teach positive character traits, point out where to look for help through life's struggles, discuss the basics of following GOD forever, and explain hard-to-understand sections of the Bible.
Encouraging our kids to memorize Scripture is important and I found the Navigation Point Memory Verses to be a great tool to do just that. The checklist includes some excellent verses to commit to memory for use in life and even has the page number where they can be found in the Bible. This gets kids flipping pages and jumping in to explore. I LOVE this, don't you? I printed a copy for both my 11-year-old and 13-year-old so they could see how many of the recommended verses they already know and begin learning the ones that they don't already know. I can think of no better challenge for us all than to commit Scripture to memory -- to really hide it in our hearts. {While you are visiting the website, make sure to print a copy of the "You Are Special" poster to hang in your child's room. You will probably want to print the "I Wonder What to do When . . ." Scripture Chart, as well. It's included in the Bible and makes a great poster for your family.}
Cheerfully illustrated and chock-full of exploration tools like maps and definitions and notes and devotions, the Deep Blue Kids Bible is written in a language that is easily understood by kids and parents alike. This Common English Bible translation is refreshing and can be enjoyed by everyone in your family. Although the target ages are 7 - 12, I can assure you that younger and older will be quite happy to use it as they study and dig deep. The image-flex cover is perfect for all hands and is durable. {I used mine at our Keepers of the Home Pumpkin Prayer pumpkin carving and it was safe. We used it to read the verses that went along with each of the carvings the girls were making so that their lights could shine.}
I want the BIBLE to be the most prized possession of each child that comes through the doors of our ministry. I want their Bible to include study guides and lessons to help them cope with everyday life. Hebrews 4:12 says that “The WORD of GOD is more powerful than a two-edged sword.” It's time for our children to be prepared for battle. The Deep Blue Kids Bible is a great tool for making sure that kids are armored up. I'm so glad that I found it and am working to put copies in the hands of all children at New Heights. Order your copy today.

~Disclaimer: I was given the opportunity to use and review the Deep Blue Kids Bible as a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew. The opinions stated are mine and mine alone. I was not paid to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I received a copy of the Bible to read and use in exchange for my honest review. You can check out the Crew Review and see what other members of the Crew thought of the Deep Blue Kids Bible.~
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